Title: The Life That Is Waiting Author: lunabee34 Summary: At first, every time the wormhole opens Kasidy holds her breath and waits for Benjamin to appear. She spends most of her free time on the Promenade with Jake, one arm around his shoulders and the other cradling the curve of her belly, watching the cosmos fracture again and again through a viewport.
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The little boy peaked around the door of his mother's shop, bright eyes darting about. He dashed out onto the front walk, picked up his lost ball, and stared at the pretty lady and the baby on the terrace next door
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I realized the other day that Rachel is standing up--almost walking!--and has three teeth, but I haven't posted here in long enough that none of you have seen baby pictures. I'm very sorry, and hope to remedy that in this post. :)
It is late. Kasidy comes quietly into the Siskos' quarters on the station, where she and Ben are staying temporarily while they visit friends. She puts the sleeping baby Rachel down in the bedroom, then comes over to the computer and opens her journal.