For A Horse With Wings 9/?

Jun 20, 2013 20:07

Title: For a Horse With Wings
Author: kashoku_yoshiko
Word count: WIP
Spoilers: Just know who Dean and Castiel are
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, Mental Health Issues
Summary: Dean has worked with horses all his life, but work as a ranch hand doesn’t pay the bills to put his brother through school. When a job opportunity to be the groom at Golden Gate Farms for one of the most decorated eventers of the time pops up, Dean hops on the chance. Unfortunately, Castiel Novak turns out to be a huge dick.

Author's Note: Guys, unfortunately, as of now this story is on Hiatus. I have to focus on my DCBB!!! Once I get that knocked out, we'll be back in business! Art at the end of the story is by yours truley

Previous: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8

“Castiel,” Dr. Barnes tapped the point of her pen irritably against the paper, “You’ve hardly said a word. Anna told me what happened with Dean. Don’t you want to talk about it?”

Castiel was staring out the window paying very little attention until he randomly blurted out, “Dean and I had sex.”

Dr. Barnes’s eyes grew wide and her lips formed a straight thin line. “Oh. I…see. It was consensual, I assume?”

Castiel locked eyes with her and frowned, not understanding. “What?”

Dr. Barnes shifted in her seat and pulled at the hem of her skirt, quickly expecting this to head south. “You wanted it. Dean did not try and force it on you?”

“No, of course not,” Castiel responded as if the entire notion was quite ridiculous. He didn’t understand why she would think otherwise.

“That’s good,” she responded as she began furiously writing notes. “Was Dean the one to instigate it?”

There was a firm nod, “Yes.” Castiel didn’t feel comfortable instigating it yet. Even though he had been the one to plant the first kiss, there was no way the sex would ever be his idea initially.

“And how does all of this make you feel?”

Castiel loathed that question. Everything always lead up to it. Feelings were foreign to Castiel, so trying to find ways to describe it was always a struggle. After thinking on it, he finally settled with, “Confused.”

“How so?” She pressed.

Rubbing nervously at his arms he responded, “I don’t know what it is I’m feeling. When he gets close to me I feel myself grow…hot. My stomach just…seems to come alive.”

The corner of Dr. Barnes’s lip drew up in amusement, “Like butterflies?” Castiel responded with a nod. Uncrossing her legs she sat up straighter. “Castiel, what you are feeling is love; or rather, the beginnings of it.”

Castiel’s face froze and eyes grew wide in disbelief. That couldn’t be right. “But, I love Anna, and I do not feel this way around her.”

That pulled a chuckle out of Dr. Barnes. “Castiel, there are many different ways in which to love someone. What you have with Anna is love for a family member. These feelings you have around Dean are the beginnings of romantic love.”

Castiel felt his body grow small as he hugged his knees to his chest. “That cannot be it. I cannot be falling for Dean Winchester.”

“It’s very common to feel scared, Castiel. It’s something new that you haven’t experienced before,” Dr. Barnes explained comfortingly.

“No,” Castiel snapped, “You don’t understand. He could never love me back. Statistically speaking, relationships with people in my condition only succeed 27% of the time-,”

“Castiel,” Dr. Barnes interrupted.

“And even those 27% have to see counselors on a regular basis and -,”

“Castiel!” She snapped. Taking in a deep breath she calmed herself, “Listen. I don’t want you focusing on statistics anymore. Don’t worry about other people, worry about you. If being in a relationship is what you truly want, you can make it succeed even with your condition. If it’s what Dean wants, he’ll make it work.”

Castiel shook his head in strong disagreement, “But I can’t tell Dean.”

“Maybe not now, no, but if the two of you find yourselves becoming serious then you must tell him.”

Castiel clenched and relaxed his fists several times before asking, “After Dean and I had sex, I asked him what this meant for us.”

“And what did he say in response to that?” Dr. Barnes asked curiously.

“He told me it was up to me to decide that.”

Dr. Barnes hummed in approval. “It may not seem obvious to you, but that is a very honorable and respectable thing for Dean to do that considering. He is allowing you to be in control of this relationship you have. Make sure when you do decide to tell him where you stand, you are very clear on your intentions. The two of you hardly wasted time on getting in bed, so he might think you want a purely sexual relationship. Is that what you are looking for?”

Castiel thought about it before shaking his head slightly, “It is nice, but that’s...not all I want.”

“Then make sure he knows that. Castiel, I’m happy for you. This is a huge step. Know that if you ever have any questions I’m a phone call away.” She glanced up at the clock. “That’s all we have time for today. I’ll see you Monday?”


Chuck was a fairly good roommate as far as Dean was concerned, but he was getting tired of having to have private time in the shower. With one hand braced against the back tiles of the shower and the other stroking himself he thought of blue eyes and chapped lips sucking virginally at his dick. His release felt nothing like when it had been the real thing, but it would just have to do for now. Neither of them had discussed their actions in Inias’s stall, but he had not failed to notice the fleeting touches from Castiel whenever the rider could manage to sneak them in.

Humming to Led Zepplin he dressed and made his way downstairs to start his early morning rounds. Lucifer needed a good bath and grooming, so he decided to make that his daily project. Anna had already gotten an early start with Chuck. There was a big Dressage show that weekend that had Anna stressing so much it was going to turn her bright red hair gray. Dean was cleaning Lucifer’s hooves when Castiel called his name. “What’s the word, Cas?”

Castiel gave a squint of confusion, but decided not to comment. “May I speak with you for a moment?”

“Thought that’s what we were doing,” Dean replied sarcastically with a grin.

“In private,” Castiel specified.

Dean’s face fell. Shit. Putting on his big boy pants and putting the hoof pick away he nodded, “Yeah, sure thing. Break room?”

Castiel nodded and the two filed in, Castiel closing the door behind them. The rider kept his back flush with the door and hands gripped tightly at the handle behind him. “I’ve been thinking a lot...about what you said.”

“I say a lot of things, Cas, you’ll have to be more specific,” Dean propped himself up against the table and crossed his arms nervously.

“About how I want to define our relationship.”

Oh. “And?” Dean asked carefully.

Castiel bit at his inner cheek and shifted his weight before responding hurriedly, “I don’t want it to be sexual - I mean I do want to have sex with you, but I don’t want that to be the focus of our relationship and -”

“Cas,” Dean interrupted with an amused smile and a relieved breath as he pushed off the table to approach the man. When the rider wasn’t being so incredibly irritating, he was kind of adorable. “I get it.” Leaning in he captured Castiel’s lips with his own for a brief moment before taking a step back. “You want to give it a good honest try. I was never really good at relationships, you know.”

“I would think it clear the same could be said for me,” Castiel swallowed, still taken back by the impromptu kiss. “I suppose, we’ll make it up as we go.”

“This means you better stop being an asshole all the time,” Dean brushed a finger across the man’s cheek before stealing another kiss.

Castiel’s grip on the door handle had relaxed and he finally found himself letting go to place his hands on Dean’s hips. “Hmm, we better keep up appearances.”

“Oh, so that’s your excuse for being mean to me, huh?” Dean snorted as he backed up from the man so that he could open the door.

“On that note, the bits weren’t clean this morning,” Castiel spoke casually as he walked out back into the alleyway where Lucifer was pawing impatiently at the ground.

“Haha, real funny,” Dean rolled his eyes as he followed, thumping Lucifer on the muzzle to get him to stop.

“I’m being quite serious,” Castiel responded.

Dean gave Castiel the best bitch-face he had. “Really?”

“There was grass caked on the rings!” Castiel huffed. “Would you want a dirty bit shoved in your mouth?”

“I wouldn’t want a piece of metal shoved in my mouth at all!” Dean argued back. “And come on, it gives it flavor!”

“Flavor?!” Castiel gasped. “You call days old crusted on grass, flavor?!”

“Christ! Get a room you two,” Bobby shouted, head peeking out from one of the stalls he was working on.

Castiel flushed bright red and crossed his arms. “Tack Lucifer up for Dressage and do make sure you clean his tack properly once I am finished.”

Dean angrily grabbed a brush from the grooming bin and went to work on Lucifer. “Well, since you said please.” Castiel walked off silently leaving Dean to bask in the fumes, but he found them quickly dissipating. The anger just didn’t linger like it did all the other times Castiel pissed him off. In fact, he hadn’t been thinking about the argument so much as how good the man would look flushed and angry underneath him. A smile tugged at his lips at the imagery.

Dean watched from the rail of the outdoor jumping arena with Alfie, the barn cat, perched on the post next to his right arm. Even though Dean wasn’t particularly fond of cats, he would occasionally reach out and give the red and white tabby a scratch on the head. Dean could tell Castiel felt confident today. His ride was much more graceful on Gabriel and Inias jumping.

His green eyes couldn’t help but stare at the powerful thighs he couldn’t wait to get in between gripping the saddle tight over fences. A line of sweat damped Castiel’s polo down his back, and visions of it trickling across bare skin danced in his head. A heat began building in his groin and with a curse he palmed at it to get it to calm the fuck down.

Castiel worked every horse that day, the sun beginning to set by the time he dismounted Balthazar and handed off the reigns to Dean. Another show was coming, and Castiel was bound and determined to be confident enough he’d perform well. Dean was supportive in his efforts, but knew it would be shot out the window in a show setting. His show problems could only be fixed at the show.

Dean finished bathing and taking care of Balthazar before seeking Castiel in the break room staring at the white board with the lists of show dates and the mounts he was taking. Snaking his arms around the rider’s torso he planted a kiss to the man’s neck. “How many times do I have to tell you not to think about shows?”

“Some thinking must be done in order to plan for it,” the rider argued, leaning in to the kiss.

“You know,” Dean purred into the rider’s skin, “Everyone’s gone for the day but us.”

“Yes, and?” Castiel asked, unsure as to what Dean was insinuating.

Dean rolled his eyes playfully and ran his hands up the back of Castiel’s legs, “And I’ve been thinking all day about you...” He turned Castiel around and backed him up against the table, his hands now on the firm thighs, “About what it would feel like with these thighs wrapped around my waist,” he lifted Castiel on to the table and shoved his body in between the man’s legs, “while you rode me like one of your horses.”

Dean was certain he could feel the man’s heart beating out of his chest even though there was air between them. Castiel lowered his head and averted his gaze. “I...I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

There was definite disappointment at the reply, but Dean pushed it to the rear. “Ok. Is there something else you want to do?”

“I liked what we did after the Inias’s stall,” Castiel blushed. Dean hummed in agreement before grabbing the man’s hand and pulling him along. “Where are we going?”

“Somewhere a little more private,” Dean responded as he led Castiel out of the barn and to the hay barn. As soon as they hit the shadows of the interior Dean had his hands on the hem of Castiel’s shirt pulling it up and over the man’s head before pushing him down onto a pile of hay and following after him, lips crashing down on top of one another.

Neither of them had seen each other fully naked, and Dean was determined for that to end tonight. His hands were all over Castiel’s now bare chest, memorizing every inch of it underneath his fingers. Castiel was pulling at his polo trying to get it over his brought shoulders in between their kisses. Dean didn’t want to pull away, but broke their kiss long enough to get out of his dark green polo. Placing his hands on Castiel’s shoulders he thrust his hips forward grinding their erections together.

“Dean,” Castiel breathed as his head fell back against the hay, back arched up to meet the man above him.

“Tell me what you want,” Dean breathed against his neck, hands trailing lower and lower, but never underneath his breeches.

“No clothes,” Castiel breathed through gasps of pleasure.

Dean flicked his tongue out at the man’s ear as he made work of the button and zipper of his breeches. Castiel was still wearing his tall boots and unfortunately it required leverage from Dean to pull them off. He had to pull away and use both hands to free him of the boots and toss them off to the side. With a swirl of his tongue against Castiel’s naval he pulled down the breeches and briefs all the way off leaving Castiel naked against the prickly hay.

Castiel looped a finger in Dean’s waistband and pulled him forward so that he could make work on the jeans. Dean helped shuck out of his jeans leaving both men flushed and fully erect in the hay barn. Using a bit of spit and his precome Dean lathered himself up and began sliding his erection against Castiel’s, leaning forward and almost laying on top of the other man to apply more friction. With a blissful sigh Dean closed his eyes and threw his head back as he continued to rock against the writhing rider.

Castiel’s hands were wrapped tightly around Dean’s biceps, hips thrusting up to meet his. “Dean, I need...

Dean moved his hands behind Castiel’s head and thread his fingers in the man’s dark locks, pulling enough to get a moan. “What do you need?” Dean didn’t wait for an answer before trailing kisses down the rider’s torso until he was just above the head of his penis. Licking his lips he blew on the top of the penis causing it to twitch in excitement. Castiel let out a shrilling gasp with a buck of his hips. “Is this what you want?”

“Dean!” Castiel moaned.

“You know what I’ve said about asking nicely,” Dean purred as he continued to blow on the swollen flesh.

“Suck me off before I fire you!” Castiel growled.

Dean’s eyebrows shot up in amusement and surprise. Despite the demands, Castiel was completely at his mercy, and it was a side of him Dean loved to see. “Look at you being pushy.” Repositioning himself he lowered his mouth on to Castiel and began putting his talented tongue to use pulling all sorts of sounds from the man beneath him. Dean knew he was doing well when Castiel’s hands began pushing down on his head.

When Dean felt that Castiel was getting close he pulled off with a wet pop and slid back into the rider’s lap. Castiel gave a whine of displeasure, but Dean had him changing his tune as he began stroking them off together at a rapid pace. With a cry Castiel came and Dean found himself following not long after.

Castiel’s labored breaths were mixed with whimpers as Dean shifted to lay next to him in the hay. The sun was barely still poking up over the horizon illuminating the shed only enough for them to make out shapes. Dean rolled onto his side and propped his head up on his knuckles. “You ok?”

“I’m itchy,” Castiel responded.

Dean laughed, “Then put your clothes back on and get out of the hay.” It was rather itchy on his skin. He too began to dress and regretted not bringing a towel to wipe themselves off with. Being a man of sacrifice, he allowed Castiel his shirt to clean himself up. The rider had a lot more to lose being questioned than he did. Chuck was more than likely not to notice, anyway. Dean leaned against the opening of the shed to watch the final moments of the sunset while Castiel pulled at his boots. “We should go on a date.”

“Is that not what we did when I took you to dinner?” Castiel asked as he shoved his heel down into his boot and made his way next to Dean.

“Well, sorta,” Dean shrugged, “but I mean let’s just take the day and go somewhere and do something nice.”

“Dean, I have horses to ride-,”

“Come on, Cas!” Dean groaned, “They need a day off, and so do you.”

Reluctantly, Castiel inquired, “What do you propose we do?”

“Well, I’m glad you asked,” he wiggled his eyebrows. “There’s an old-style drive-in theater not too far from town I passed by one day.”

“I have not seen a movie in a very long time,” Castiel admitted. “I that very much.”

Dean smiled as he planted one last kiss for the night on his lips. “It’s a date.”

for a horse with wings, destiel, fhww

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