Of manga and football

Jun 09, 2012 21:00

When we were in Japan, I've bought vol. 1-8 of "LIFE" by Suenobu Keiko. Those of you who have seen the dorama (or read the manga) know that it's a very strong series. As in "when watching the dorama my stomach turned into a tight knot and I wasn't really sure how to handle the plot and what it did with me and my emotions ( Read more... )

books, sports, tv

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Comments 2

solo June 10 2012, 07:17:43 UTC
I recently started watching LIFE. Have only seen three episodes so far, but it certainly looks very interesting!

Which is more than can be said for that match last night. If I'd had a choice, I'd have gone and done something more worthwhile after the first 20 minutes. Though I admit, the last 10 mins or so were high drama, because by then I had started wishing fervently that Portugal would score - they totally deserved it.

Congratulations on the reading skills! :)


karu_chan June 10 2012, 16:55:50 UTC
VERY much interesting! Which is the reason why I picked up reading the manga :-)
(reading "skills" is a bit too much, they do have helpful furigana there too *ggg*)

For now I might continue NOT watching any game, as the tension is too high for me _._ (sometimes, at least)


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