Of manga and football

Jun 09, 2012 21:00

When we were in Japan, I've bought vol. 1-8 of "LIFE" by Suenobu Keiko. Those of you who have seen the dorama (or read the manga) know that it's a very strong series. As in "when watching the dorama my stomach turned into a tight knot and I wasn't really sure how to handle the plot and what it did with me and my emotions".

Anyway, we were in a Book Off in Shibuya and I bought said 8 volumes only, as I wasn't sure whether my Japanese was good enough etc. Turns out that I'm getting along, even though it's more of a "SOMEHOW" ^^;;;

I could probably buy the remaining volumes on Amazon Japan (and FedEx) and would pay a small fortune - which I don't want, as I only paid 105 yen per volume in the Book Off.
In German there are only 12 volumes available, which makes me curious, as there are 20 volumes total. Wiki says so and I saw them in Tokyo too.

Now I found a page with links for all the volumes and some are even working, though it's from 2009. Let's hope I can get all the remaining volumes there.
DUH @Amazon Japan and their dumb shipping policies.


I'd also like to point out that it's 8:59 PM now and the match Germany - Portugal started 14 minutes ago. I'm not sitting in front of the TV but typing this entry. Am I a bad German? ^^;;;;;;

books, sports, tv

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