Kassel - documenta(13) experiences

Jul 20, 2012 21:57

Tuesday after work my boss and I drove back to our hotel and our main intention was to get dinner, but then there were all the people wearing helmets and we became quite curious, so our plans changed.

We were lucky and found a lot not far from those containers. (the picture was taken many hours later, when we were there the area was busier)
In the background you can see the vineyard.

The not very friendly person in the "helmet container" said that we could buy tickets in the "Neue Galerie" - in a matter of fact voice as if everybody and their mom knew where to find said gallery...
In former times I would have interrupted him from his busy "hand-out-helmets-to-visitors" task and would have asked him in a pissed-off voice where to find the gallery. Nowadays I checked Google Maps on my phone and saw that it was only 450 m - uphill _._

At least walking uphill gave us a nice view over that side of Kassel (and its outskirts ^^ )

And then we reached the reverse side of the "Neue Galerie". The ticket booth was on the far end of the building, of course.

10 € poorer, for the evening ticket, we descended again and crossed main street on a bridge. Our plan was to descend through the vineyard and then get our helmets.

This was on the side where we came from.

Cosy park on the other side of the bridge.

We crossed the park and found the exit from the vineyard. Sadly that door had a big "NO ENTRY" sign and we had to make a short detour of about 600 m ^^;;;

But then we were finally at the helmet station, showed our tickets, got the helmets, walked into the bunker and returned 7 minutes later to return the helmets -.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Really, all that effort (incl. the helmet station) for two rooms inside a beer-storage-cellar-turned-bunker. I wasn't amused and my opinion of modern art was support "WTF is that?"

1) Writing the same story in three languages and recording the story in the same three languages and then show the book in a room + play the tape of the recording <-- Art?

2) A video about somebody producing a flute the same way it was most likely produced 35.000 years ago and then playing it. The flute was made of a quill from a griffon vulture (Gänsegeier). <-- While I think it's fantastic to find so old pieces of art, the video itself bored me to death after minute two. It started with a lving bird and they showed the whole bird detailed and in slow motion. Once they zoomed out a bit you could see the whole bird and then they continued showing it and how the poor bird sat there and moved a bit and there and... that's when we left the second room. We couldn't risk dying of boredom. He's got a family and I've got a wedding ^^;;;

As this was our four contact with the documenta we were majorly disappointed. Especially as we had to walk uphill and downhill and left and right, just to get back to our starting point ^^;;;;


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