Title: King & Princess Of The Tower
Characters: 'Shirosaki', Yachiru, Tatsuki, Ikkaku
Locale: The tower, 'Shirosaki's' cell.
Timeframe: Evening
What: Yachiru sneaks up to say hello to her friend again.
Rating/Warning: Shirosaki. Violence. Ikkaku.
It was a pleasant day outside, (
but no one gave a damn )
Comments 29
The force dazed the pale boy a moment, long enough for Tatsuki to grab his collar and knee him in the gut, effectible immobilizing him for even a longer moment.
As he was dragged into the cell again by Tatsuki, he was up on his feet almost as soon as she let go of him, ignoring pain and dazedness, rage the only thing driving him. However, he was met by the door slamming close in front of him and the click of the lock.
Yellow eyes widened and then he screamed in utter frustration, disappointment and above all, raging hatred. The screaming did not cease and the door was shook by the whole force of his body, over and over and over again as the intense fury ( ... )
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