Title: King & Princess Of The Tower
Characters: 'Shirosaki', Yachiru, Tatsuki, Ikkaku
Locale: The tower, 'Shirosaki's' cell.
Timeframe: Evening
What: Yachiru sneaks up to say hello to her friend again.
Rating/Warning: Shirosaki. Violence. Ikkaku.
It was a pleasant day outside, (
but no one gave a damn )
Comments 29
A bald man. Stopping him from his prey. Oh no - he did not like that. Not at all.
That bastard was paying for this.
“The king will leave his throne, fool.”
He said, voice full of anger, but the next-to animalistic growl was replaced in a smirk again and he studied the man, gaze planning, cunning. Dangerous.
A frown appeared on his face, very similar to what his proclaimed ‘mirror’ used to wear, and he took a step backwards, leaning on the back of his right foot. Waiting.
She loved fighting, and the two guards deserved to have their blood painting the floor after all the mean things they'd done. THey'd locked up Kingy and Ken-chan, and they kept ruining her fun! Kingy would make them pay!
"The king isn't going anywhere," and she meant that in both ways, though she didn't feel the need to clarify. "Yachiru, stop this now!" Shaking her head, she added, "He's using you to get out."
"She picked the lock; I didn't see it until--" she cut herself off, feeling angry at being caught like this, in between some crazy guy and a supposedly not crazy little girl--though she would have this looked into if she had her way.
So, two on two now and not really since one was a child; they'd just need to focus on him probably...getting him back into his room. Tatsuki took a step forward. "Well?" she arched a brow at Ikkaku as if to say: your move.
Still awaiting the new piece to move, he smirked slightly as the bald man took out a baton stick and then attacked. Since the nameless one was already leaning to the back of his feet while waiting for Ikkaku to take the offense, he simply tipped backwards and fell to the floor just as the security guard struck, effectively avoiding the baton strike.
There would be no busting open his head with that thing, that was for sure. These people were still underestimating him and that was pissing the crazy king off.
After dropping to the ground, he rolled up to his feet again so that he came behind Ikkaku. Having no weapon - for throwing something in the back of that shiny head would have been perfect - he aimed a kick at him instead.
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