30 Days of Television-Day 10

May 17, 2010 14:39

Ganked from sandrine

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Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving

Due South

It started with This fic by akuni at last year's Come As You're Not party ( Read more... )

due south, meme, slings and arrows

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Comments 9

khylara May 17 2010, 22:55:05 UTC
If you get a chance - rent the first Tales Of The City miniseries. The scene where he asks Mouse about cock rings are priceless :)


karaokegal May 17 2010, 22:59:26 UTC
LJ continues to be educational. I had no idea he was even in Tales of the City.


khylara May 17 2010, 23:07:43 UTC
He plays Brian but it's only in the first mini-series. He was replaced in the later ones - which are still good - just no Paul.


karaokegal May 18 2010, 16:22:00 UTC
Being a San Franciscan, it's actually embarrassing that I've never even read the books, much less watched the tv version.


kimberweeme May 17 2010, 23:39:05 UTC
Paul Gross is attractive in a very real sort of way. And he has perfect diction.

I love due South. Love it to bits and pieces. Even when I didn't like Ray K, I still loved the show.

And Diefenbaker will always hold a special place in my heart.

I had a hard time getting my hands on due South, so I ended up watching Slings & Arrows first. (I have no idea why, but my library had that, but not due South. Odd.) It wasn't quite as jarring going from unkempt, crazy Paul Gross to neat, polite Paul Gross.


karaokegal May 18 2010, 16:20:49 UTC
What I love is how he managed to not let Benton ever become a pure caricature, although it's kind of close to that in the early episodes before we start to get a few glimpses of that dry humor.



chocolate_frapp May 18 2010, 15:58:30 UTC
LOL at "Darrin Switch"


karaokegal May 18 2010, 16:19:27 UTC
From TV Tropes "The other Darrin." The situation with Due South is slightly different in that it's not officially the same character, except to all intents and purposes it is, just without the same chemistry that the original had with Benton Fraser.


chocolate_frapp May 18 2010, 17:07:33 UTC
the aspects nobody talks about are the fact that Darrin was such a boring guy he could be played by two different people and it didn't matter (I agree with Endora about him) and that Dick Sargent and Dick York look so similar I never could tell them apart. I couldn't ever tell Zsa Zsa and Eva apart either.


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