Politics and Pundit geeks take note:

Jul 28, 2009 09:23

Howard Dean is hosting Countdown tonight and tomorrow. For those keeping score at home (and those watching alone) this means we got about two weeks of David Shuster (Kermit the Frog), one night of Richard Wolffe (Wolffie!), and last night Lawrence O'Donnell (Granite Head). I thought Richard was nervous, but did a good job, and Lawrence was slightly ( Read more... )

politics, countdown, keith olbermann, rachel maddow

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Comments 13

secondsilk July 28 2009, 17:15:26 UTC
We didn't get Countdown at all one day last week.
Someone on Countdown mentioned Howard Dean hosting. I want to know how Rachel's going to play it, having asking him to co-host with her at least three times, now.

I hope that Keith's okay. I assume that you'd have heard if it was something worrying.


karaokegal July 28 2009, 17:21:33 UTC
I hope Keith's ok too. In some ways Countdown/Rachel is my own personal soap opera. Even when I'm not shipping per se, I'm imagining the lives of the "players" involved and making my own fanfic from how they interact. Clearly Rachel and Howard have a great rapport. (Although is there anybody Rachel doesn't have that with? Even Pat Buchanan, in spite of everything.)

If there were something like the appendecitus, I think we would have at least heard more than "Keith has the night off."

The throw is definitely gonna be awesome. I think O'Donnell mentioned Howard Dean as well, I thought he must be joking too. I know Dean no longer holds an elected office and I guess he's not running the DNC anymore, but it's seem a little odd to have him as a host. Or is that just me. I love how Rachel always calls him "doctor," especially when they're discussing health care reform, just to rub it into certain faces that the guy actually knows a thing or two about the topic.


gokuma July 28 2009, 17:46:28 UTC
I miss Keith. I hope he's okay v___+

BTW: have you seen this? =>


karaokegal July 30 2009, 04:10:46 UTC
I finally saw it last night when they showed it on Countdown. Too. Fucking. Funny. All that was missing was the cigarette from his classic rendition of Rocket Man.


thecolourclear July 28 2009, 18:30:07 UTC
No really. Where the hell is Keith?


karaokegal July 28 2009, 18:36:50 UTC
Apparently he's at a ball game with Waldo and Carmen San Diego.


thecolourclear July 28 2009, 18:51:32 UTC
Oooo ... fun! *goes to listen to Carmen's theme song*


karaokegal July 30 2009, 04:09:45 UTC
Did you see his alarming purple shirt last night?


Politics is fun (and scary) gokuma August 2 2009, 10:55:31 UTC
Do you know this webcomic? => http://star-crossedcomic.com/fnr/fnr_1_1.html I've found it today. The choice of main evil character seems to be very... appropriate :D


Re: Politics is fun (and scary) karaokegal August 2 2009, 17:46:40 UTC
Seriously, dude! The man is seriously scary. The more we learn about the shit he wanted to do, the worse it gets.

I still love the Keith quote that inspired my icon. He was doing a Special Comment and he called Cheney, "You fatuous, condescending lunatic."


keotla August 4 2009, 04:41:55 UTC
Hi -

I stumbled onto you journal in a search for Torchwood fic (and am LOVING what I'm finding, by the way), and when I saw Rachel as one of your tags I had to come see - and I have been asking myself for a week and a half now when we were getting Keith back! My friends don't understand - even the one who got me hooked on Keith is too busy to watch him now, but I miss him - and I can't believe that he was a guest - on his own fucking show! Anyway, just wanted to chime in - I'm thrilled that I've managed to find at least one other person who feels the same...!



karaokegal August 4 2009, 04:46:01 UTC
Welcome! My Keith-love knows no bounds. I was so thrilled to get him back tonight and have him totally ON FIRE with the special comment.

I hope you continue to enjoy the Torch-fic. I've written multiple pairings, so feel free to check the tags and the Boxed Sets for direction to pairings you might enjoy.

Not sure how you feel about RPS, but I've also written a bit of Pundit-slash involving Keith. (Usually with Stephen, but also a great big Pundit omnibus story with pretty Keith/Stephen/Anderson/Rachel/Ariana et al.)


keotla August 4 2009, 05:02:22 UTC
Oh my god, he's back tonight?!?! I've been out all evening, so I haven't watched it yet, and honestly, it's been a long, long bitch of a day so I likely won't watch it til tomorrow, but you have seriously just made my night!

I'm fairly new to Torchwood, haven't finished the first season yet (accidentally watched Children of Earth first) and I'm also watching Dr. Who, as well, and loving them both. I'm further into Torchwood, but only cuz of lack of time... and I have lots of time this week ;)

I have hoenstly never thought about pundit fic - I may have to check it out. Thanks!


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