Politics and Pundit geeks take note:

Jul 28, 2009 09:23

Howard Dean is hosting Countdown tonight and tomorrow. For those keeping score at home (and those watching alone) this means we got about two weeks of David Shuster (Kermit the Frog), one night of Richard Wolffe (Wolffie!), and last night Lawrence O'Donnell (Granite Head). I thought Richard was nervous, but did a good job, and Lawrence was slightly full of himself. Although if you're sitting in for Keith, maybe it comes with the territory.

Anyway, when Rachel said something about Howard Dean hosting Countdown for the next two nights I thought she was joking, but apparently not. The former Gov. of Vermont, former head of the DNC, and one time presidential candidate (don't remind me) is going to be hosting.

This should be interesting. I actually think he'll be awesome. If nothing else, the throw to Rachel will be adorable. (But where the hell is Keith and when are we getting him back?)

Also, I feel like posting this picture since someone beat me to it on rahmbamarama.

politics, countdown, keith olbermann, rachel maddow

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