CoE Day 4-Now with my own eyes.

Jul 25, 2009 10:30

Contain spoilers for the whole series as well as vast amounts seething, burning, unapologetic Ianto-hate.

Flashback-That is some creepy shit.

Doctoresque-I’m really sorry. (It wasn't I'm so, so sorry, but I think we get the idea.)

I think Ianto actually loves it when Jack dies cause it gives him a chance to be all over him with no chance for a rebuff, and the illusion of Jack “dying in his arms.” And then he can come over all, “poor baby” afterwards, even though Jack is clearly sick of that shit.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this.”
HEY PAL, Maybe there’s a reason. Buy a fucking clue. You’re not the guy he wants to spill his deep dark secrets to. YOU'RE NOT THAT SPECIAL. In any way.

“I’ve only just scraped the surface.”

“I could have helped!”
Fucking tell him Jack. (Makes me as happy as "No, there's no one." and "There'll never be a place for you here.")

It’s about Jack. It’s Jack’s guilt. Do what you’re good at. Fetch things. Read shorthand. But don’t for gods sake act like you have any emotional hold or connection with Jack. Don’t act like FUCKING ALISON CAMERON and pretend that you can fix or heal him.
Cause you got NOTHING he wants or needs.

“I tell you everything.”
What makes you think he wants to hear your “everything?”

How much did I love that gutted look on Ianto’s face when Jack told him about the daughter and grandson. Got that Ianto…YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT JACK! He’s had a whole life that has nothing to do with you and he didn’t think you were important or special enough to share any of it.

I’m using the icon today because I think it still sums up the situation to perfection. Fucking Ianto is probably considerably easier than listening to him whine and beg for emotional validation.

I know what’s about to happen and I still don’t care. I want him gone. There is nothing about this character that I can stand to see or hear anymore. I don’t know whether to blame RTD, Euros Lyn, GDL or the fandom that bolstered him to this point, but god I hate him and I want him gone and in about thirty minutes I’m going to do the happy dance all over again.

One retraction/apology.
No. Gwen didn’t know about the family before Ianto. I was led astray by the reports of those on both sides who thought she did. I’m perfectly willing to admit it when I am wrong. Gwen didn’t know. Presumably she overheard Jack telling Ianto VERY LOUDLY. Because that doesn’t change the important fact. IANTO DIDN’T KNOW. JACK DIDN’T TELL HIM. Once again, all that alleged, “clinging for hours.” All of Ianto's telling Jack “everything.” And Jack never even considered mentioning a child and grandchild. By extension, he probably didn’t tell him about Victorian wife. Maybe he thinks Estelle is just some old lady that Jack knew. He certainly didn’t tell him exactly what the Doctor meant to him. Guess what baby, Owen (RIP) was right and he never stopped being right.

At the most, Ianto was a lover of convenience. He’s the only one who doesn’t seem to know.

Mind you, I’m paying attention (sort of) to the horror of what’s going on with the Government dickering over the kids and none of it is penetrating my brain as much my all-consuming desire to have this thing finally and forever off my screen.

Pukey aliens, Ahoy!

Poor Jack. As someone else pointed out, his worst sins seem to involve children. We started with the Gas Mask Zombies, which started with Jamie. (Although you know…if he hadn’t dropped the ship, Jamie would still be dead, but anyway.) He gave Jasmine to the Faeries. (Presumably she lives forever, but her mum wouldn’t see the distinction.)
The 1965 kids. Now this. I really want to know what happened with his canon mpregnancy. (PLOT BUNNY---what if he lost that child---and was equally responsible?)

Oh, and nice going there Ianto, making the call that tips the government goons.

“Gorgeous husband?” Really, Gwen?

Even Jack is basically saying STFU. He likes the philosophy because he’s quoting GUESS WHO…the guy he really loves.

STFU IANTO---You’re not the Doctor! (And neither is Jack) This is not the Library. Your attempt at coming over all ballsy here is just pathetic. You are just pathetic.

Uh, Jack….this really wasn’t your best moment either.

One more attempt at toughness Ianto? Blow a hole in the tank. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH. You deserve to die just for being that stupid.

Sorry guys, the whole “not him.” Doesn’t mean not him. If Jack had gone in with Gwen. (Or Tosh or Owen.) it would have been exactly the same dialogue except for possible pronoun change.

Meanwhile, the big operatic panic scenes…not so impressive.


ONE LAST TIME….ALL TOGETHER NOW….SHUT THE FUCK UP IANTO. You’re dying and you’re being a selfish prick about it.

Jack’s got enough problems without your self-centered “don’t forget me” shit. Assuming he cares as much as you think he does, you’re basically asking him to remember something that would therefore be incredibly painful to him. NICE!

But he doesn’t. He promises, but he lies. He knows he lies. Ianto should know he lies.

Put any other Torchwood member, especially Gwen in that room and the scene goes the same way. And can you imagine the hatred that would be getting spewed at Gwen right now, (not counting the hate she’s getting for being alive and pregnant and Rhys not being dead) if she’d had the temerity to say her “I love you?” (And how vindictively happy the J/Iers would be over Jack only saying, “Don’t.”)

Oh, by the way, who was Jack reaching out to comfort and get comfort from in the last shot. Damn, she looked awfully familiar, but I can’t seem to place her name. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I'm sure it'll come to me. I think it's that person I've been told isn't important to Jack at all.

It's over. It's over. It's over.

I know there's one more day and a bunch of Jack angst to go, including a death that's really going to hurt him, but for me the pain is over. Thanks, Rusty. (Assuming he's not just playing us all over again.)

torchwood babble, torchwood

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