Last night in London (OH MY GOD-Watching QI in the UK!!!!)

Jan 17, 2009 14:49

Today was another wonderful day, with the whole London contingent getting together for some walking and talking in the British museum. petrichor_fizz, kohl_rimmed_eye and timbershiver were all amazing and lovely and the weather was mostly on our side ( Read more... )

countdown, odyssey, rachel maddow, journal, pimping

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Comments 11

tourmaline1973 January 18 2009, 00:01:14 UTC
Hee! Glad you enjoyed QI. I missed some & will have to retape it because my cable box decided not to play halfway through.

I was really wary about this one, when I was a child Pam Ayres was on every "respectable" (ie what your parents chose as suitable viewing) children's TV programme and her poems and her accent scared me and scarred me for life. But she didn't seem to live up to my fears going by what I saw.

Have a safe & uneventful trip home, looking forward to the recaps of the trip ♥


karaokegal January 18 2009, 21:53:22 UTC
Home sweet (and warm!) home!

Great trip, but as Frank Sinatra says "It's nice to go travelin, but it's oh so nice to come home."

I may have to go and sing just that at the Mint in about two hours.

I'm REALLY hoping to get my sleep patterns re-set because right now they are screwed up something fierce.

Thanks again (and again and again) for being part of the Odyssey!


drunken_hedghog January 18 2009, 01:42:08 UTC
Did you get to watch the XL version? How awesome is it (I missed it again, but it's recorded)?

I thank you greatly for getting me into the wonder that is Rachel Maddow. Can't wait to see her inauguration coverage.

Take care, my dear, have a great flight and I hope to see you in person again sometime in the next five years!


karaokegal January 18 2009, 21:51:39 UTC
We only caught the last few minutes and my head was in LJ land so not really focused. Will have to get download so I can watch with hubby.

Home sweet home! I'm so happy to be back in my own bed and my own city, where someday you WILL come and visit me. I can't even begin to express how much fun we had hanging out with you guys.


51stcenturyfox January 18 2009, 02:37:01 UTC
<--- Rachel thanks you.

Looking forward to the pics and more squee reportage.


karaokegal January 18 2009, 21:49:41 UTC
I'm in pre-squeeee over the Innauguration Coverage to come from the whole gang.


timbershiver January 18 2009, 07:11:10 UTC
It was so great to meet you, I had a fantastic day yesterday.

Have a safe trip home!


karaokegal January 18 2009, 21:34:55 UTC
You are tecnically the "mother" of the Squeee Odyssey. No Jack/Wilson fic, no Barrowmania.

I had a such a blast. Flight home was fine and I'm happy to be here now. SOMEDAY SOMEWAY you will come visit me here.


itsarift_thing January 18 2009, 17:58:09 UTC
Have a safe trip home!


karaokegal January 18 2009, 21:36:04 UTC
Here I AM!!!! Waves.


mad_jaks January 18 2009, 21:38:00 UTC
*WAVES louder*


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