Last night in London (OH MY GOD-Watching QI in the UK!!!!)

Jan 17, 2009 14:49

Today was another wonderful day, with the whole London contingent getting together for some walking and talking in the British museum. petrichor_fizz, kohl_rimmed_eye and timbershiver were all amazing and lovely and the weather was mostly on our side.

I'm going to do some major posting when I get home, but rather than a day by day, minute by minute, second by second report (ZZZZZZZZ), I'll probably post on specific topics such as people, performances, food etc. If there are specifics you'd like to elaborate on, please let me know.

Obviously, there will be picspam, the high-light of which will be the "Squeeeeee Odyssey Snog Gallery".

Hopefully, my brain and bladder will both co-operate in my getting a decent night's sleep tonight.

We've had a late spate of creativity here. I posted a Torchwood Fic, which will no doubt annoy a certain contingent of the fandom and hllangel, wrote a very sad one which is RIGHT HERE which probably won't.

My favorite thing is that with the magic of the internet we kept up with every day of Countdown and the Rachel Maddow show while we were here and got to share them with the Birmingham girls.

countdown, odyssey, rachel maddow, journal, pimping

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