"Burns Night" NCIS drabble Ducky-centric Rating-G

Dec 22, 2011 23:27

Title: Burns Night
Fandom: NCIS
Character: Donald "Ducky" Mallard
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 356. Prompt from ncisdrabble100. Challenge #270-Christmas. Beta'd by proseac1. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Ducky gets a Christmas visitor.

Suspense is worse than disappointment. )

drabble-a-day 2011, ncis, ducky mallard, fanfic, drabble, ncisdrabble100

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Comments 9

alidiabin December 23 2011, 08:25:18 UTC
Wonderful drabble. Very in character for Ducky. He is lucky but he still has suffered a lot. Wonderful drabble.


karaokegal December 26 2011, 20:05:48 UTC
Everybody gets emotionally whumped on this show, but I feel this was a rotten year for Ducky, and I like the idea of him turning to Burns for a little comfort.


proseac1 December 23 2011, 15:19:14 UTC
Nice! I like the edits you made.

If you'd had more words available, you could have turned this into an "NCIS Christmas Carol" and had Ducky visited by three spirits instead of one. Hmmm...


jagfanlj December 24 2011, 04:43:42 UTC
Brilliant idea!


karaokegal December 26 2011, 20:06:54 UTC
Thanks for the assistance. I'm not a big fan of the "Christmas Carol" format in general, but it would certainly be a challenge for me to write it. I was originally envisioning this as a Ducky/Abby fic, but my bizarro muse had other ideas.


proseac1 December 28 2011, 23:11:45 UTC
Thank goodness for your "bizarro muse". She is very productive - only 3 more days to go now...bet you can't wait!


jagfanlj December 24 2011, 04:48:56 UTC
That was an awesome episode, and so sad. *hugs Ducky & Walter* I think this is the first fic I've read with him Walter. I'm sure he would agree with Robert; Ducky has some very good friends indeed.


karaokegal December 26 2011, 20:08:44 UTC
I loved most of Bob Newhart's performance although I think the whole thing went a little too maudlin in the end. The problem being that something more realistic would have been insanely depressing. I was also conflicted about the phone scene. On one hand, yeah, it's Bob Newhart...gotta have a phone scene. On the other...what has this got to do with NCIS?

Thanks for the comment. Glad you liked the fic.


proseac1 December 28 2011, 23:14:34 UTC
I agree so much with you about the end of this episode. I thought it really diminished the brilliance of the rest of it. Could have done without the whole 'This is your Life' nonsense. They could've had his daughter show up looking for him - would've made for a more touching and realistic ending, IMHO. I did like the phone scene though - it made me laugh, and then I felt a little guilty. I think that was the whole idea, and it worked on me.


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