TV notes

Oct 29, 2011 18:24

Some stuff I've been on watching DVR and DVD lately.

No spoilers, just general impressions. Possible spoilers in the comments. )

castle, leverage, ncis

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Comments 16

cuddyclothes October 30 2011, 02:39:04 UTC
I saw "Thirst," and I'm drawing a complete blank on it. Was it Ducky's girlfriend who was killing all of those people to get on his radar?


karaokegal October 30 2011, 02:44:00 UTC
YUP! There were two dead (haha) give-a-ways, the first one being that basically no one on that show is allowed to have a happy relationship and the second being that you don't hire a "name" to play a either a one-off character or a run-of-the-mill girlfriend.

It was nice for David McCallum to get some good screen time, but the plot was extremely "meh!"


jagfanlj October 30 2011, 09:04:13 UTC
I thought David McCallum did a great acting job considering what he was given. Ducky looked so shattered, for her sake not for himself. *hugs Ducky*

And, on the bright side, maybe Ducky will decide to stick closer to home and give Penelope another shot. I thought they were incredibly well suited. :)


karaokegal November 3 2011, 18:25:57 UTC
That would be nice. I love Cheryl Ladd, but Lily Tomlin is in a whole other class acting-wise.


rose_cat October 30 2011, 02:40:45 UTC
Hmph, I meant to start watching Whitechapel. It sounds like a good one. And, Whoniverse Repertory Company!

I loved the first season of Leverage. I kind of lost track of the show after that (waiting to see it all in order wasn't really the best idea), and although I've heard it went downhill a bit, I'd still like to see more. Not at 2 AM, though. (Gratuitous icon use.) Parker's my favorite character.

I haven't followed first-run NCIS very much (usually catch them on USA, later on), but that's one I've got to see. H/C, yum.


karaokegal October 30 2011, 02:47:23 UTC
Check out's like Who-verse central. Plus Rupert Penry-Jones. I didn't like his character in Spooks, but he's doing a very good job here.


rose_cat October 30 2011, 02:49:22 UTC
Will do! And I meant to ask: is your throat better?


karaokegal October 30 2011, 02:54:19 UTC
Much! I owe everybody replies and a health update.


photoash October 30 2011, 06:03:00 UTC
I really enjoy Leverage :) I think it's a lovely fun show but not one I'd get into fandom for (like how I feel about Burn Notice but I like Leverage more).


karaokegal November 3 2011, 18:27:28 UTC
I'm looking forward to watching the 2nd disk this weekend. I really miss Nero Wolfe. (RIP MAURY CHAYKIN!) It took me a while to warm up to the "repertory cast" format, but I really did get attached to Timothy Hutton's Archie.


alba17 October 30 2011, 16:17:24 UTC
I've been recording Case Histories but haven't watched any of it yet. Loved the book. Whitechapel looks good too but haven't seen it yet.


karaokegal November 3 2011, 18:28:32 UTC
I'm really loving Case Histories. The tough-guy w/angst thing is a winner for me. Bonus points for Edinburgh locations.


alba17 November 3 2011, 20:45:04 UTC
The tough-guy w/angst thing is a winner for me. Me too. I had no idea Edinburgh was so pretty.


karaokegal November 4 2011, 18:07:28 UTC
It's a gorgeous city. Hubby and I had such an amazing time there this spring. We were there for a whole week and would easily consider going back for more.


cookielaura October 31 2011, 02:36:27 UTC
I keep meaning to watch Leverage, especially as I love Christian Kane! Have you seen him in Angel yet?

And the best word for Castle is definitely cute! Only seen season 1 though :( MUST WATCH MORE TV!


karaokegal November 3 2011, 18:29:38 UTC
I still haven't gotten through the first season of Angel. I think when Drabble-a-Day is done, I'll be able to use more of my "at home by myself" time for catching up on series that hubby isn't that interested in.


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