"The Beast In Me" Life on Mars drabble Sam/Annie Rating-PG13

Aug 24, 2011 22:36

Title: The Beast In Me
Fandom: Life On Mars
Pairing: Sam/Annie
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Warnings: References to rape
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 236. Prompt from lifein1973. Weekly Drabble Challenge #146-Seven Random Words. Mole, Tart, Entice. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Sam doesn't like Annie's new assignment.

Caged by frail and fragile bonds )

darkfic, fanfic, drabble, life on mars, het, sam tyler, annie cartwright, drabble-a-day 2011, sam/annie

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Comments 3

damigella_314 August 25 2011, 12:16:46 UTC
Satisfactorily dark, yet with a touch of sweetness. Not at all like the crappy coffee I have to drink to access free wifi.
I'm a bit struggling with a cheapest tarts because I can't guess what the typo is.
fix that and I won't complain about the extra space before the comma.
I so need a "Does anal-retentive have a hyphen?" t-shirt. And to see you much more often.


karaokegal August 25 2011, 14:11:34 UTC
The fix is to "a cheap tart." The original was "cheapest of tarts" but I had to cut it for wordage. Fixed now, so thanks for the catch.

That would be a great t-shirt to have. :)


damigella_314 August 26 2011, 02:46:21 UTC
The t-shirt actually existed, inspired by a joke in a long-ago episode of DTWOF. It would be perfect for me.


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