Title: The Beast In Me
Fandom: Life On Mars
Pairing: Sam/Annie
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Warnings: References to rape
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 236. Prompt from
Weekly Drabble Challenge #146-Seven Random Words. Mole, Tart, Entice. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Sam doesn't like Annie's new assignment.
“No!” Sam blurted, attracting the usual compliment of rolled eyes and a disapproving frown from Annie.
She wanted this assignment. To her it wasn’t demeaning to be dressed like a cheap tart in hopes of catching the cretin who’d been terrorizing the local prostitutes. It was a way to prove herself to the Guv.
He watched as Phyllis used an eyebrow pencil to give Annie a beauty mark, completing the transformation , and felt something rising in his blood, dark and possessive.
Sam’s assignment was to protect Annie from the rapist, but who was going to protect Annie from him?