"Might Not Ever Get Home" Dr. Who/Buffy crossover drabble Rating-PG13

Apr 25, 2011 22:33

Title: Might Not Ever Get Home
Fandoms: Dr. Who/Buffy, The Vampire Slayer
Characters: Eleventh and Tenth Doctors, Amy & Rory, Nikki Woods, mentions of others.
Rating: PG13 (for character death)
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 115. Prompt from dw100. Challenge #351-Spike. Beta by rose_cat. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: A story the Doctor chooses not to tell.

“So, Doctor,” Amy asked, as they were sharing a post-Venice afternoon tea, “ever met any real vampires?”

“Not personally, but I have heard tell…” and then he stopped.

He’d been trying to talk his way into CBGB. The bouncer frog-marched him into the alley, grinning as she dropped the Doctor on his arse. She reminded him of Ace.

Turned out Nikki was a Slayer who met her fate at the hands of particularly nasty piece of undead work. Amy and Rory weren’t ready to know about that kind of evil.

“No vampires. Met a werewolf once. Now there’s a story.”

doctor who, drabble-a-day 2011, dw100, the doctor, fanfic, btvs, drabble

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