Title: The Warrior
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack-centric, reference to the Doctor.
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Written for
tw100. Challenge #179-Book titles. Prompt-Purple Heart. Tweaked after some concrit from
Summary: It's 1992 and Jack's still waiting.
They come in different colors and shapes: Purple Heart, Silver Star, Victoria Cross. The citations have different words: valour, bravery, honour. Amazing how easy it is to be a hero when you can’t die.
Lately he’s started wondering if any of the carnage meant anything, especially since the same battles keep breaking out. He can hardly believe they’re fighting in Bosnia all over again, much less that he’s thinking of going, if Torchwood can spare him.
Hunting aliens and going to war are just ways for Jack to kill time until the Doctor returns.