Favorite Character Meme

Aug 23, 2010 10:41

Ganked from speccygeekgrrl

Reply and I'll give you four fandoms. You then have to make an entry writing about your favorite character from each fandom, and why.

She gave me:
Ashes to Ashes, Doctor Who, Numb3rs, Slings and Arrows.

Ashes to Ashes-Gene HuntHe's just such an almighty bastard, and as much as I love Life on Mars and for all the issues I have ( Read more... )

numb3rs, meme, slings and arrows, ashes to ashes, jack harkness

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Comments 30

kimberweeme August 24 2010, 05:10:05 UTC
I haven't been posting much as of late, but I can probably do this one. Hit me!


karaokegal August 24 2010, 06:13:09 UTC
Harry Potter, Due South, NCIS, Burn Notice


nakeisha August 24 2010, 10:13:27 UTC
I'll play, please.


karaokegal August 24 2010, 18:47:54 UTC
Dr. Who, Harry Potter, Due South, West Wing.


chocolate_frapp August 24 2010, 18:38:01 UTC
hi, sweetie! (I have a nasty feeling I might regret this....)


karaokegal August 24 2010, 18:45:39 UTC
Jeeves & Wooster, Rocky Horror Picture Show, CSI-NY, MASH


njzynj September 29 2010, 05:02:47 UTC
Give me something to write about. Sung to the opening tune in episode "Once more with Feeling" season 6 Buffy. have you gotten there yet?


karaokegal September 29 2010, 05:50:01 UTC
Still on season 4.

Blackadder, Dr Who/Torchwood, House MD, Shakespeare Plays.


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