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Reaction/Video killswithapen June 3 2010, 21:41:03 UTC
[Yagami Light is on the edge of his seat ( ... )


Audio / Private killswithapen June 5 2010, 15:57:34 UTC
Overconfidence? I'm just not going to be pushed around by a wannabe L.

[He'd gone into this feeling like he might learn something and he has--he's learnt he doesn't like Near very much.]


Audio / Private neargenius June 5 2010, 16:52:26 UTC
[The feeling is, of course, entirely mutual. Light's remark stings slightly, especially given all that has been said about usefulness and the shifting of the past and the future, but that doesn't manifest itself in anything more than a slightly colder tone.]

If that is how you dismiss me, Kira, you will be very disappointed. I am, after all, from your future. I am more than capable.


Audio / Private killswithapen June 5 2010, 17:32:08 UTC
[Firmly, and nothing else.

It's Light.]


[In person| Inaudible via hitomi ] watashi_wa_eru June 5 2010, 19:32:17 UTC
[ Near's dream has been broadcast over the Hitomi, and here in the bedroom, L finds his suspect speaking into his own. L adds two and two together faster than the equation could be put to him.

The two are talking to one another. Challenging one another, to be accurate.

The subject matter is naturally of interest, and L takes full advantage of Light's lack thereof.

Kneeling up and onto the mattress, he crosses the distance to sit flush behind Light. Lanky legs spill over the edge to imprison the second pair of limbs dangling there, and L presses his forehead between Light's shoulder blades.

He mutters into the cloth, feels the skin heat beneath it.]

N cannot fathom my appreciation of your skill as a butler.


[In person] killswithapen June 5 2010, 21:45:07 UTC
[Clicking the hitomi off, Light decides to resume their conversation at a later date. This new, attached L is a different sort of enemy--he has to be so careful around him that trying to focus on two loose cannons at once just isn't possible. One or the other, and he vouches to deal with L first.

After all, N is just a copy.]

Don't be ridiculous. I might be young but I'm not stupid--he's sort of right. I'm not going anywhere. You said it yourself, about a bond stronger than ropes. But it's true that if I did leave you'd be after me with every ounce of strength you could muster in a heartbeat. You only let me feel like I'm in control; I'm not a free man, and the way you're draping yourself all over me right now is just a testament to that, so don't treat me like I'm stupid, okay?

[He shrugged a shoulder, hard.]

I can see through you.


[In person] watashi_wa_eru June 6 2010, 02:07:27 UTC
[ L clings to Light, disallowing his suspect the option of bucking him off, and not due of his resentment. Light isn't obligated to be happy with the circumstances.


L keeps Light trapped in his embrace because he is his suspect. He is his. L's. And he will not allow Near or Mello or anyone to take away his spoils. A hand, and then the other, roam downward and L's fingers intertwine, pulling Light up and tight, closer to him.

He places his lips against Light's spine.

Because he can. ]

Mmm. I have never treated you as anything other than my equal in intellectual prowess.

[ Light smells of the lavender he uses to cleanse. L buries his nose into his back and inhales, deeply. ]

May I point out that, at times, you take me too seriously?


[In person] killswithapen June 6 2010, 02:31:29 UTC
[One try is enough. Having achieved nothing he doesn't dare try again, just in case L takes it personally. There's nothing to do but sit still and put up with it, since he doesn't want to start a physical fight right now.

Though maybe he's close. It's so possessive, and so much absolutely a capture. He might as well say it out loud: You belong to me. Don't bother trying to leave, because you invited me in, like the poor girl in Dracula, you're powerless to resist now I've had my teeth in you.

He felt like that. Subdued. Overwhelmed. It had never been in the plans.]

You've never had a friend before me, and your jokes are always pretty lousy. Trust me, I take you seriously for a good reason.

[And his eyes close.I wish you'd just admit it. This pretense is getting us nowhere. I know what you're thinking--the truth behind every word you say. What's more insulting is that you know that I know and you still try and deceive me ( ... )


[In person] watashi_wa_eru June 7 2010, 00:20:42 UTC
[ L pauses, aware of the gradual increase in the rate of his heart beating against the surface of Light's back.

If Light wants to discuss the matter openly with him, L supposes he can play that game as well as anyone.

Still, he's comfortable where he is. ]

What victory or conquest do you picture me fighting for? I don't recall having been less than honest with you.

[ His tone lowers, gentles. ]

Light, you traveled here with the notebook. Even you would suspect yourself, as you said prior to your incarceration. If I "lose", then it means my death.

[ And when he exhales into the lavender scent of Light's shirt, releases a sound not unlike a sigh. Resigned. ]


[In person] killswithapen June 8 2010, 10:16:00 UTC
[It was true. As close as they were right now, Light would still kill him in a heartbeat, just as L would still prosecute him. This closeness was supposed to help him to get closer to the man, and with luck find out his name.

Easier to do so at his side than far away.

But L would not trust him; would be a fool to. He had indeed arrived here with the notebook. What he had to do was prove the 13 day rule, and this test that L had devised would allow him to do that. After that, he would have all the flexibility he needed.

Two weeks. He needed to manage the suspicion and this proximity for two weeks, and then he could define which way they moved as he returned once more to searching for L's elusive name.

His shoulders slump slightly, but he reminds himself that this is good; L depends on him physically, and bruised and battered as the past has made him, friendship has been easily twisted into something more, and he - Light - still has control.How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not Kira, and I'm not going to kill you. If you ( ... )


[In person] watashi_wa_eru June 9 2010, 07:23:00 UTC
[ L's voice has changed. Since their night together, he's taken to lilting Light's name, even when conversing with the man. Light, his favorite serial killer. It happens every time now, when he talks to him, or even whispers his name. The greatest detective in the world and he's unaware of this newest quirk in the library of his mannerisms.

And he does understand Light's perspective, just as he knows Light understands his. He murmurs a nothing against cloth and his skin, hugging Light in a little tighter so as to lay his head on the other's shoulder. Predatory, in a way. L wants to bite and leave a mark. It's dangerous, kissing Light's sociopath skin, but who is L to judge?

That's Kira's job. ]

Light. You know that trust is earned, not freely given. [ And a smile lights L's face then, rich in genuine amusement. ]

We've come so far. Please. Be patient. If the test clears you, [ And L nuzzles his nose into the cloud of Light's hair, and whisper against the back of his skull. I will atone for my disbelief in any manner you like.


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