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Reaction/Video killswithapen June 3 2010, 21:41:03 UTC
[Yagami Light is on the edge of his seat.

On the edge of the bed, in fact, his fingers curled tightly around his hitomi as though he could squeeze something more from it; the other letters, some knowledge that he hadn't picked up so far, some bright diamond of understanding. Mello in the dream, and that man...rotting and dead. L. Fear of a name, fear - overwhelming fear - of losing to Kira. A whimper from the one on the floor, who was no older than him; nothing but a child. Number one?

The name is incomplete when it ends, but it was so very close that Light, unpeeling his hands, lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, turning the hitomi several times before he trusts himself enough to respond.

His voice is soft and soothing, and he rises from the bed to excuse himself, moving out into the village's darkness; the courtyard and the well, while everyone sleeps, a slither of moon to illuminate his progress and that was all. The air was brisk, chill even though it seemed to be approaching summer, but it burned with static as though just after a storm.

Perhaps that was just his excitement. As he sits on the edge of the well he responds in video, wrapping his arms around himself.]

I warned you about those dreams, didn't I? Seems maybe we should talk, if you're feeling up to it.


Audio neargenius June 3 2010, 21:55:21 UTC
[Near doesn't say anything for a very long time. No reply is the best reply. He stays very still, staring at his hands. The sound of this voice isn't soothing at all. Too smooth, too sibilant.

He does not want to hear any voice right now. He especially does not want to hear this particular voice. He does not want to hear anything.

The dream was perhaps not as implicating or as damning as it could have been. It could have been worse, and the writing had been left unfinished. But it is still out there: things that aren't meant to be seen.

He stays very still for a few moments longer--then, eventually, dully, responds. Audio, the safest way.]

Talking is unnecessary.


Video / Private killswithapen June 3 2010, 22:01:52 UTC
Then listen instead.

Each and every one of us has to face the fact that this network shows things we don't want it to, and we have to face up to that. I'm sure you already know what I've been accused of, though who knows what L told you. He's not exactly willing with that kind of information.

Still, when Mello arrived he showed his face on the network, and he was brought here to stay with us. I'm sure you've been made to stay away because it's safer if your face isn't known, but it's childish and it's downright dangerous, if anything. We have to survive here, not fixate on stupid games; it's life or death.

You're from our future--what year? Those people in the case file were Kira's victims, weren't they? How many people has he killed?


Audio / Private neargenius June 3 2010, 22:12:42 UTC
[Near stays quiet at all of that, too. Eventually:]

What you have been accused of. "Accused" may be the wrong word. I have looked at this network. I have seen the other dreams. They are more than mere accusation, I think.

And there are no stupid games.

[Another pause, longer this time.]

Why do you want this information? What good will it do you? Life or death-- do not fixate on stupid games. That's what you said. This information is part of that "stupid game". This information is useless to you. If I am from the future, then I know more than you--and I know who to share that information with.


Audio / Private killswithapen June 3 2010, 22:20:29 UTC
Stupid games or not I'm still curious. I want to know what kind of atrocities I'm supposed to have caused--what kind of horrors L and Mello are blaming on me. You've seen my dreams...

[A loud sigh.]

And you think they're enough to condemn me, truly? More than accusation...that's a cold thing to say. If you think I'm Kira than say it, but at least take the opportunity to get to know me in person before you go throwing around accusations. The only thing I know about you is a name, and even that isn't real.


Audio / Private neargenius June 3 2010, 22:38:55 UTC
My condemnation would depend on the theory that I was using to define dreams. Psychologically, your dreams would say a great deal about you. Or is it a communication of inner thoughts? Or is it an attempt to enact a desire? There are any number of possibilities--and they only make your dreams more interesting.

N is all the name that I require. And getting to know you would have no merit. It would be a useless attachment to an accused murderer. Surely you do not need attachments in a life or death situation.

What would you tell me about, personally, that would change my mind about you?


Audio / Private killswithapen June 4 2010, 14:18:30 UTC
[Bristling.] If you're going to psychoananlyse me then keep it to yourself. Dreams may reveal a lot about a person but I've seen some that don't make sense since arriving here. I've seen dreams where people are eating others, and it has nothing to do with their innate cannibalism, it's just a dream; stress that affects you when you're at your most vulnerable. That's all.

Getting to know me would keep you fed and comfortable. I'm a capable adult; probably the only one out of everyone brought here from our world. I hunt and I fish and I weed and I bake, and when all that's done I sew. I've done everything I can to keep people happy and comfortable who would rather see me rot in some jail cell.

But even if I am accused - even if I'm hated - I'll keep doing it, not because of some misplaced idea that it will prove me guiltless, but because I'm human.

Do you get it? It doesn't matter what we were at home. It doesn't matter if the whole damn lot of you think I'm Kira. We're nothing more than the sum of our physical parts here, and mine are needed.


Audio / Private neargenius June 4 2010, 16:45:04 UTC
Most psychological theory would beg to differ with you. All dreams make sense. Perhaps not to you, perhaps not so directly. But there is an eventual sense to them. Cannibalism in a dream: a representation of a fear or a need to control, to take power, to engulf. Perhaps it is stress induced, but that does not make it any less powerful. Everyone's dreams mean something.

If you think that I am incapable, then you are sorely mistaken.

And if it doesn't matter what we were at home, then why are you kept so close to your pursuer? Why are you not let out? You might be needed; you might be necessary to someone's survival. But that clearly does not mean that you have earned your freedom.

[A pause, though.]

How long have you been here.


Audio / Private killswithapen June 4 2010, 17:01:32 UTC
That's where you're mistaken--I have my freedom, I just choose to stay close to L.L is important to me; his life is important, his happiness is important. He's my friend. It has nothing to do with my freedom, because I can leave any time I want to.

It's been weeks now. Seems like forever.


Audio / Private neargenius June 4 2010, 17:17:40 UTC
Then leave right now. Surely he would survive without you for a day or two. His happiness would not be so compromised. If you can leave, do it now.

And you believe this--all of it--to be permanent?


Audio / Private killswithapen June 4 2010, 17:37:48 UTC
Leave right now? And who feeds our animals while I'm gone, N? Who feeds L? Honestly...it's not that simple, or is that just your selfish wish? Get away from L because I want him?

Yes, I think we're stuck here forever. Why would you think otherwise?


Audio / Private neargenius June 4 2010, 17:58:58 UTC
Think of it as a test for a day. If you can leave without retribution, then do it. Is it really concern, or is it fear of punishment?

Because it's not possible. Things are always able to be undone.


Audio / Private killswithapen June 5 2010, 14:08:05 UTC
No matter how you goad me, it's not happening. There's no reason for me to do that, and I'm not about to obey your orders, either. What are you trying to prove?


Audio / Private neargenius June 5 2010, 14:32:16 UTC
I don't believe that you have as much freedom as you think that you do. It's a relative freedom. And it would be interesting to see my theory tested. With either result, one of us would stand to learn something.


Audio / Private killswithapen June 5 2010, 14:39:24 UTC
What you believe isn't my problem, you know.


Audio / Private neargenius June 5 2010, 14:46:26 UTC
Overconfidence has been the downfall of those greater than you. It will not benefit you here. Your problems could change at any time.


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