WTF Universe...

Oct 29, 2011 11:51

Ok, it is freakin' October. Why is it snowing in NYC? And it's not just a little flake here and there, but a ton of big monster flakes! I feel like I'm in a snow globe.

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pics or it didn't happen, friends, oh hell no, jesus saves - you take full damage, holy shit, i have no words, life, weird, weather, lol wat, fuckin' a, are you fucking kidding me?, snow, arrrgh, why are you still reading this?, i can't fucking believe it

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Comments 10

princealia October 29 2011, 15:53:41 UTC

It was cold here this morning to the point of frost on the grass, but not snow jfc


kangofu October 29 2011, 16:01:10 UTC
Oh girl, I can't even right now. There is a ton of shit coming down. It doesn't seem to be sticking on the roads, at least not yet.

Also, I got the mythical "insufficient inventory, quantity of 1," for that order. I have a feeling it wasn't when I ordered, but they did that on purpose. =/


princealia October 29 2011, 16:30:26 UTC
I can't believe it's snowing already. It's not even November XD

I'm sure they did because they noticed you ordered more than one. Still, you got one the day before and then the day after, so I don't understand.

Did they at least give you a refund? You can go splurge shopping now XD


kangofu October 29 2011, 17:31:37 UTC
Exactly! In my almost 30 hrs here, I have never seen it snow before November. WTF universe? WTF...

Well, they didn't know I was at the store. We didn't give our names or anything.

I wasn't charged. I'm thinking of getting an animator Jas and Mulan for Mark Henn to sign. XD


arielstreasures October 29 2011, 21:31:45 UTC
oh dear...not looking forward to this at all D:


kangofu October 29 2011, 23:05:06 UTC
Hi Melissa! :D

Oh man, and you're above me! Is the storm headed toward you?


arielstreasures October 30 2011, 01:47:21 UTC
hey cindy :D <3

I haven't heard about a storm, but with my illness, the cold makes my joints hurt D:


kangofu October 30 2011, 18:44:47 UTC
You're in Toronto, right? The Weather Channel says you're good. 50's and sunny with some rain over the next few days. :)


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