Decisions, decisions...

Apr 19, 2010 15:20

My throat is feeling rather sandpapery. In fact, my throat has been feeling rather sandpapery for a few days now, which I attributed to a lurking hangover, but am now forced to concede may be due to something else. I am supposed to be having a lovely dinner with friends tonight, but am tempted to just head home and have some of my mum's home-cooked ( Read more... )

doctor who, real life (tm), work

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Comments 6

selenak April 19 2010, 15:26:24 UTC
As far as I know, the big Leela ship is Leela/Romana, due to the audios in which they have a very slashy relationship. (They never meet on screen, but Leela does end up on Gallifrey at the end of her companionship, and in the audios Romana later hires her as a bodyguard when she becomes President.)

I wouldn't know about Four ships, though, because Four is one of the few Doctors who doesn't do anything for me. Which is a big heresy, because hey, Tom Baker, Most Popular Doctor Of All Time, etc. But I like the others all better.


kangeiko April 19 2010, 15:35:45 UTC
I find myself somewhat ambivalent towards 4 (in all the 1 hour I have seen of him *g* no snap judgements on my part LOL!), but massively shippy towards Leela (in that I desperately, desperately want to ship her with someone, anyone). Leela/Romana sounds interesting, from what I have heard of Romana (and as I understand it femslash isn't common in Who), so I think I might look that one up. Do you happen to know which audios?


selenak April 19 2010, 15:43:06 UTC
kangeiko April 19 2010, 15:55:23 UTC
Awesome, thank you!


alasdair April 19 2010, 16:31:52 UTC
My understanding from a few acquaintances who have the right contacts to have seen more of the current series than us mere mortals is that it's the coming two-parter where the new production team and cast really hit their stride, particularly Matt Smith, who was described to me as (I paraphrase) "a bit Tennant, until about episode 4, when he suddenly gets *really* good - favourite doctor ever good". This from a long term fan of all the old stuff, too...

I'm currently reading "Doctor Who: A Writers Tale", and it's pretty clear from reading it that what we saw on Saturday was Mark Gatiss script that didn't make into Season 4 for schedule reasons (it was replaced by the Pompeii episode) with the added brief that "we need to re-tool the Daleks into some new merch this season, so can you swap out your old villains, and do that, please?".


kangeiko April 20 2010, 22:28:23 UTC
Awesome, I'll be looking forward to it, thanks!


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