Decisions, decisions...

Apr 19, 2010 15:20

My throat is feeling rather sandpapery. In fact, my throat has been feeling rather sandpapery for a few days now, which I attributed to a lurking hangover, but am now forced to concede may be due to something else. I am supposed to be having a lovely dinner with friends tonight, but am tempted to just head home and have some of my mum's home-cooked food and acquire magic health points. (Yesterday's raid on the parental fridge was a resounding success, with several meals and vegetable health-related items pilfered.) OTOH, dinner with friends, always a plus, and I haven't seen them for a while. (Saturday.) So I think gulping some paracetamol might be my best bet, and then possibly having a shorter (shortish?) day tomorrow.

In the meantime, I am trying to write a setof report guidelines that have grown from a sensible 3 pages to an unwieldy 7 pages. Nobody reads 7 pages of report guidelines. To the red pen of doom!

(Also, I watched Doctor Who 5.3 and wasn't impressed, especially as I am also currently watching The Talons of Weng Chiang. On the one hand, massive, massive race!fail. OTOH, plot and script and acting to blow you out of the water (and a companion to make me want to ship it liek whoa. Is there Four(/&)Leela out there? Preferably with her playing bodyguard?)

I probably have more to say on the subject of Who, but my overall (non-spoilery) impression is that the acting is spot-on for both 11 and Amy, but the last two scripts have felt rather under-developed, which is a shame. Maybe there is better to come as they get into the swing of it?)

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doctor who, real life (tm), work

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