Voting success!

Apr 19, 2010 13:22

I just confirmed that the Electoral Commission received my application for a postal vote. I was a bit worried as I hadn't heard back from them and the deadline is tomorrow, but am pleased that it has been put through. Voting papers through the post soon, yays!

Which leads me to the happy-making polls being run, showing the LibDems coming out first. That's right, a jump in opinion polls from lagging third to just-beating-Cameron-to-the-post first place. Ofcourse, given the way the seats are split up this still leaves them in third place re: seats won, but it makes the election that much tighter. And you just a few new voters to get themselves registered and turn up on the day...

My point is, the Leader's Debate managed to get people actually talking and caring about the election which, given the political apathy of the last couple of decades, is nothing short of amazing. This entry was originally posted at There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.


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