Bechdel test - ST:TNG (4x11 - 4x14) + ST: Nemesis

Apr 12, 2010 13:03

I haven't forgotten about these. I did a whole stack off-line in a notebook (almost the entire season, actually), and I'm going to write those up and finish up the season, see where that takes us. See this post for general assumptions on alien races.

4x11 Data's Day )

gender, bechdel test, star trek

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Comments 2

igrockspock April 18 2010, 22:28:55 UTC
This post is both fascinating and depressing. I had never considered these ratios before, but they cast gender inequality in a very stark light -- especially when you consider what I know what feeble lines these women might have gotten to say. And seriously, a whole movie that cannot pass the Bechdel test is sad!

PS I wandered over from your post in remixers lounge if you were curious where I came from.


kangeiko April 29 2010, 11:23:40 UTC
I think I've been quite generous in my estimation of what contitutes a Bechdel pass, which is an even more depressing thought. I have to keep reminding myself that DSN normally manages full passes without even breaking a sweat on both Bechdel and race-Bechdel, and that all is not lost. But then I have to cringe at the backward step in ENT casting and all the warm glowy feelings go away.


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