Bechdel test: main table

Jun 01, 2009 21:34

Following my earlier post, I've decided I'm going to run the test, both the original version and the race-Bechdel (raw data and percentages for comparison) on as many shows as hold my interest, but starting with Star Trek (TNG, and DSN), simply because I'm currently rewatching them following my bout of bed-riddenness earlier.

If people want to run this for various other shows, pls let me know so I can link it in from this post for easy navigation! Of interest is characterscount @ DW, where a more general project is going on. rheanna27 also very helpfully linked me to dsudis, who is conducting a similar test on SG1 here.

Anyway, this is the master post for each season's tables, along with the overall stats for the season.

One caveat for ST and other fandoms with painted people masquerading as aliens: as I'm running a race-Bechdel test, this can get a little, hmmm, tricky, shall we say. So I'm currently going on the following (very broad) criteria:

- for aliens that look mostly human, e.g. Vulcans, Bajorans, Minbari, Centauri, misc ST forehead alieans, we're going with whether or not the actor is a POC.
- for aliens that are completely covered, e.g. Cardassians, Bolians, Orions, Narn, Ferengi, they don't count as a POC.
- for Klingons, they tend to just have forehead make-up and the majority are played by actors of colour. They will therefore count as COC, unless I know that they are not played by a POC (e.g. Ambassador K'Ehleyr).
- for aliens where we don't know what sex/race they are, I'll include detailed notes as why I've counted them or not.

I'll generally include notes in the cases where I think that one of the tests has been passed, and people are welcome to correct me if I've got it wrong.


Star Trek: The Next Generation

- Season 1

Number of episodes that passed the Bechdel test:
Number of episodes that passed the race-Bechdel:
Number of episodes with women of colour:


- Season 2

Number of episodes that passed the Bechdel test:
Number of episodes that passed the race-Bechdel:
Number of episodes with women of colour:


- Season 3

Number of episodes that passed the Bechdel test:
Number of episodes that passed the race-Bechdel:
Number of episodes with women of colour:


- Season 4

Number of episodes that passed the Bechdel test:
Number of episodes that passed the race-Bechdel:
Number of episodes with women of colour:


- Season 5

Number of episodes that passed the Bechdel test:
Number of episodes that passed the race-Bechdel:
Number of episodes with women of colour:


- Season 6

Number of episodes that passed the Bechdel test:
Number of episodes that passed the race-Bechdel:
Number of episodes with women of colour:


- Season 7

Number of episodes that passed the Bechdel test:
Number of episodes that passed the race-Bechdel:
Number of episodes with women of colour:


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine



Links to other shows:

- SG1

squee, gender, bechdel test, star trek, fandom

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