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Comments 6

yahtzee63 December 30 2008, 21:55:15 UTC
Never mull good wine. Mull the 4-pound stuff.


kangeiko December 30 2008, 21:56:28 UTC
But then that means going out and intentionally buying crappy wine. I don't know if I have that kind of willpower.


yahtzee63 December 30 2008, 22:11:13 UTC
It won't be crappy once you mull it. I am fairly well convinced that mulling was developed to disguise/redeem crappy wine.


kangeiko December 30 2008, 22:29:54 UTC
*ponders* The major downside to that will be that I have to leave the house tomorrow pm to fetch wine. OTOH, I will have beautiful, wonderful wine to drink afterwards. Plus mulled wine. Hmmm.

Mainly, I want someone else to be hosting this thing. That;s the main thing.


athena25 December 30 2008, 22:40:08 UTC
Right. You're sick. I'm sick. How about not hosting the party and instead renting some DVDs and drinking tea? Other people can sort themselves out, health is the important thing.

Good wine will keep until you feel better.


kangeiko December 30 2008, 22:43:12 UTC
I have spent over £100 on booze and food. And some people are committed to coming. BUT - I don't think there will be many of us. So I am anticipating DVDs and tea being the primary drivers of this.

(I do admit that I am not really looking forward to it all that much. But it's a bit late to cancel at this point. Plus, I have a fridge full of finger-food that won't freeze.)


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