Of mice and men

Dec 30, 2008 21:26

As it turns out, I do not have the after-effects of the dreaded norovirus. I have the after-effects of the dreaded norovirus and food poisoning. Which should make hosting the New Year's party tomorrow... interesting.

I have purchased all the required food. (And it is of the 'empty onto baking tray, stick in oven, serve' variety, so I don't poison my guests.) My mother has thoughtfully provided me with a case of wine. It's lovely wine, so I am of two minds as to whether I should mull it. I cleaned the bathroom over the weekend. I have antibiotics and rehydration sachets, and also painkillers. And several varieties of exciting cheeses.

Tomorrow, I need to stop by the hospital first thing for them to give me the go-ahead to be around people (thank you, hospital!), then go into work, finish off stuff I wanted to have finished last week but due to extreme death was unable. Hydrate. Then back home, purchasing some more mixers. (I appear to not have enough orange juice. God. Who ever has enough orange juice?? And also no coke. Must remedy.) Then re-arrange furniture, drape attractive throws and cushions in welcoming manner. Hydrate. Install new doorbell that actually works. Turn phone on. Make food and mulled wine happen. Make party happen. Sleep. Wake up, make breakfast happen for those who stayed over. Throw them all out, sleep some more. Clean. Die. Hydrate.

This party WILL go ahead, and it WILL be fabulous. Even if it kills all concerned.

ETA: following fortifying talk from queenspanky, the party will be happening. Mainly because she will be on hand to do all the difficult bits. Plus the bathroom's already cleaned, and the shopping's already done. So there is that. If people get tired, there will be beds for to sleep. Yes.

Speaking of sleep...

health, night out, real life (tm)

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