
Oct 28, 2008 12:20

I spent an hour with Alan Rickman today. Yes I did. And I didn't giggle or embarrass myself, not even once. In fact, he smiled and thanked me ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

eldritchhobbit October 28 2008, 12:48:40 UTC
So, is The Voice as good as person as it is on film/CD?


kangeiko October 28 2008, 12:58:45 UTC
Well, he didn't say much other than "Hmmm," "ah," "yes," and "thank you very much," but he laughs very nicely indeed.


Having re-read the above, I can see how it could be misinterpreted. *g* It was mainly a presentation of a report, so most of the speaking was done by us, but he said enough for that to be a - yes, definitely, even better 'cause the eyebrow raise is right there in front of you. *blush*

Also, you know those pictures of him with a big pointy collar on his coat, all raised so it's framing his face? Like this one? Well, that's pretty much what he was wearing - snuggled down in a big black jacket with raised collar, and a blue sweater underneath. I, uh. May have stared. Just a little, mind you. I'm sure that I was most discreet. ;)


eldritchhobbit October 28 2008, 15:55:26 UTC

Ah, that black jacked with the raised collar... and that eyebrow! Pardon me while I live vicariously through you for a moment. Thanks for that lovely description (even if it did ruin my concentration for the morning *wink*)...


kangeiko October 28 2008, 20:30:41 UTC
*giggle* A little less concentration can sometimes be a good thing. :)

And, I've just realised it's your birthday today! Happy birthday, sweetie! Any exciting party plans?


athena25 October 28 2008, 15:34:47 UTC
I imagine him to be a little like batman, in that he opens his wardrobe of a morning and there is only big black jackets with raised collars in it. Just lots of them.


kangeiko October 28 2008, 20:31:13 UTC
I'm surprisingly comfortable with that image.


bluerosefairy October 28 2008, 19:33:26 UTC
Omigod. I very probably would have fainted or shrieked or otherwise made a giant idiot of myself, so I am very glad to hear you didn't. Oooh, am just insanely jealous you got to meet the Rickman.


kangeiko October 28 2008, 20:33:06 UTC
I still can't quite believe it! I mean, they mentioned that it was a possibility - he is a trustee, after all, so it follows that he'd be at the trustee's meeting - but there was no guarantee that he'd be there. I nearly had a heart attack when I walked in and he was there, instant fluster on my part!

Also, I think I am still blushing. My face has been very pink since then. :)


hadeschild October 29 2008, 03:22:36 UTC
Ok, that's just AWESOME.


kangeiko October 30 2008, 14:24:11 UTC
Isn't it? ;)


selenak October 29 2008, 05:53:41 UTC
I am speechless with envy. Go you!


kangeiko October 30 2008, 14:24:42 UTC


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