
Oct 28, 2008 12:20

I spent an hour with Alan Rickman today. Yes I did. And I didn't giggle or embarrass myself, not even once. In fact, he smiled and thanked me.

(Yes, ok, I was there with my manager, and we were presenting him with our report, so it was entirely in a business capacity, and there were other people there, but, still.)

My manager and I were both very professional when in the room, but the moment we got out we just looked at each other and burst into giggles. God, we are such pathetic little fangirls. BUT. Sat through the meeting, did not turn into small puddle of goo. I have nerves of steel. OF STEEL. This almost makes the ridiculous hours of extra work worthwhile. (But not quite, because I couldn't sit next to him and directly opposite him at the same time, and had to choose one or the other. Woe. Stupid laws of physics.)

(And you know what's terrible? I don't have a Snape icon at the moment. OK, I do, but it's not currently in use and is, in fact, Snarry. Which, uh, not so much with the appropriate. So maybe it's just as well.)


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