
Jul 21, 2007 23:05

I should be heading off to bed, but I've gone HP-crazy, reading fic and reactions to DH. *beams* There appears to be much fuss over certain spoilery events, so I decided to throw my £0.02 in...

In response to spoilery wank concerning Snape )

harry potter, writing

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Comments 7

hadeschild July 22 2007, 00:20:35 UTC


nattydreadi July 23 2007, 07:16:58 UTC
the title of your cut is a spoiler!


kangeiko July 23 2007, 09:08:52 UTC
What? HOW?? My cut says 'in response to spoilery wank concerning Snape'... it doesn't say anything about what the wank is about!


nattydreadi July 23 2007, 09:20:54 UTC
It says that something happens concerning snape!
ofc I knew it probably would, but indicating that it is a spoiler means that it is probably what I thought would happen. Unless it isn't.

I threatened to kill 2 people this weekend who were saying 'it ends well'

no spoiler there other than that it doesn't have a crap ending.
since I found out the ending of the usual suspects without watching the movie, I avoid all chat of spoilerable things =)


kangeiko July 23 2007, 09:25:54 UTC
Unless you're being completely paranoid, and I'm labelling ALL THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN THE BOOK AS A SPOILER. If you're going to take the mere mention of a character's name as a spoiler, you're going to have a serious problem existing in the world until you've read the damn book.

Sorry, to be harsh but my cut? Is not a spoiler. It warns for spoilers.


nattydreadi July 23 2007, 09:28:22 UTC
I'm being a wee bit facetious, and bored. Just poking =)

Poking is fun!


kangeiko July 23 2007, 09:30:19 UTC

*crush destroy etc*

Aaaargh, why won't my computer take this stupid upgrade so I can go to my meeting????? Grrr, etc. *kills all electronic things*


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