(no subject)

Jul 21, 2007 23:05

I should be heading off to bed, but I've gone HP-crazy, reading fic and reactions to DH. *beams* There appears to be much fuss over certain spoilery events, so I decided to throw my £0.02 in...

Yes, Snape is my favourite character. No, I am not bothered by him dying. Yes, I cried. This is the same as me not being bothered by my favourite character in Alias dying - yes, I was upset, yes, I cried, no, I'm not bothered by it. BEING UPSET THAT THE CHARACTER IS DEAD DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE DEATH WAS UNNECESSARY. When you think about it, all deaths in fiction are unnecessary. After all, couldn't the writer come up with something different? Couldn't she thinking of a way to save him? Couldn't Snape draw in one small, shuddering breath after being found by the others? Couldn't Hamlet have just crawled away to a doctor? Etc.

No. You know why? Because that's what fanfic is for. Jack Bristow falls into Rambaldi juice - Snape gets uber-magicked into existence. Source material gives you the problems, fanfic solves them.

I know that some people have issues with writing AUs - hell, I'm not fond of them myself - but, surely, anything after the book ends is an AU? So all you have to do is be creative in bringing him back. Or don't bring him back - feature a big Snape-shaped hole in everyone's universe and see the effect. Either way, I'd be happy to read it.

Oddly, seeing the character's death gives me a sense of closure. True, if it's done relatively early in a show, it pisses me off and I tend to tail off and stop watching. But, guys, this was the last book, and he died pretty much at the end - we have an entire extra year of him as Headmaster (think of all that fabulous fic!) and he's had a profound effect on everyone around him after his death.


Could it be that we'd just find it difficult to write him shagging the other part of his OTP?



OK. My OTP is Snape/Sirius, and Sirius has been dead for quite a while. OotP didn't stop me writing; HBP did. It's issues with characterisation that slow me down, not the eventual closing of a character's arc. I mean, now we have a timeline! We know precisely what happened to him! And think of all that extra backstory - it's a brilliant opportunity! Get those quills out, ladies!

*climbs off soapbox*


Sorry. That must be my 'optimist' setting.

harry potter, writing

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