ti tum (& to do list)

Dec 10, 2006 17:01

I'm so sick of exam revision I could vomit. I think that after a certain point in an individual's life - say, the age of 25 or so - they begin to greatly resent being made to prep for exams on someone else's schedule. It's what's happening with me, in any case. I'm reaching the point where I just don't see any real reason to continue with it - ( Read more... )

news, fic: wip, exams, fandom

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Comments 3

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kangeiko December 10 2006, 17:47:52 UTC


I have a brilliant idea! Let us kill them all and raze the land and sow it with salt! Moo hoo haa haa!!!!!!!

(p.s. when do you find out your exam results? *IS MISSING YOU LIKE CRAZY OMG*)

*snuggles you*


likeadeuce December 11 2006, 03:18:05 UTC
Delenn and Franklin? That sounds like something I might have asked for. I am TERRIBLE at remembering my own requests. Seriously, don't worry about it for a moment -- I absolve you -- but if you want to write it, I will eagerly devour.


kangeiko December 17 2006, 21:05:48 UTC
You're a star! *snuggles you* I'll see how Xmas goes, yeah? *smooches*


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