ti tum (& to do list)

Dec 10, 2006 17:01

I'm so sick of exam revision I could vomit. I think that after a certain point in an individual's life - say, the age of 25 or so - they begin to greatly resent being made to prep for exams on someone else's schedule. It's what's happening with me, in any case. I'm reaching the point where I just don't see any real reason to continue with it - which is ironic, really, given that this set of exams are for a professional qualification, and are thus the most practical and directly applicable set of exams I've done to date.

But I digress. I have three exams in rapid succession, starting tomorrow:

Tax on Monday
Leadership & Management on Tuesday
Public Finance on Wednesday.

And, yes, my graduation is on Thursday and the OMGSOBIG&IMPORTANT presentation to some high-ups is on Friday. Plus physiotherapy on Saturday and sewing like a bastard on Sunday, then a week in a conference centre and possibly no internet access *stabs eyes out* but hopefully not, and then back at the hospital for MORE TESTS because me coming out in a rash where the bloody electrodes were put on me isn't enough, ohhhhh, no. *IS FILLED WITH RAGE*

I wish that this next fornight would JUST DIE ALREADY.

Plus, I haven't started on my yuletide fic yet, which is sort of asking for disaster, really, isn't it? But I have two whole days in which writing might happen, so it's just going to have to be done then.


Fandom things I plan on doing over December/January in order to not go crazy from teh real life (tm):

1. yuletide fic, due 19th Dec. I bought a copy of source, and will rewatch at earliest opportunity.

2. tww_minis threesome ficathon, due 29th Dec. Because West Wing makes my world better.

3. part 2 of the 1602/angelverse crossover for selenak, because I want to write it and the pile of research books on my desk just keeps growing.

4. part 2 of 'afterdays', because I need to write it before I forget it.

5. feedback for various people for this meme - add your fic if you'd like some holiday feedback!

6. Rorschach fic for kakodaimon.

7. Delenn & Franklin (?) fic for likeadeuce - honey, am I remembering this correctly? I lost the notes I had on it!! *is sucky & sucks*

8. For luvarvinsloane, for this meme: 5 things Dr. Barnett wishes she said to Arvin Sloane ( before she thinks he uses her IP pass.), 5 things Arvin Sloane would change if he could, 5 things Arvin Sloane has always wanted from Sydney... .

If I've promised you fics and then failed to deliver, tell me so!!! I'm going to have two whole weeks off, and plan to spend them sitting in coffee shops with a notepad and pen.

Right, off to book theatre tickets and then revise some more... *procrastinates like crazy*

In other news, this week's The Economist op ed has at least three logical inconsistencies. Can you spot them all?

news, fic: wip, exams, fandom

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