X-mas Feedback!

Dec 06, 2006 14:05

I know I owe loads of people drabbles and ficlets and the like, and they will get done after exams finish and I have that magic week of free time. (*dances*) BUT! There are other things that I'd like to give for Xmas. Stolen shameless from spuffyduds:

Give me a link to a fic that you'd like me to leave feedback for, and I promise to write at least a paragraph of said feedback.

It'll take a while to get through, depending on how many people respond, but if there is a fic out there that you think I missed or one that you think should have received more feedback, now is the time to pimp it! If you'd prefer con-crit please say so, otherwise I'll be going for happy joyous bunnies.

Fandoms I'm familiar with:

All Jossverses
Red Dwarf
X-Men (movie and comic verses)
Veronica Mars
Babylon 5
All Star Treks
The West Wing
most Warren Ellis comics
most Alan Moore comics
Harry Potter
The Authority
Pirates of the Caribbean

In fact, chances are I'm familiar with it. Things that my flist writes that I'm not familiar with include: SGA, Smallville, The Sentinel, Dexter and Highlander. Everything else I at least have a fighting chance in. :-)

Go on, make me work for my fandomness...

*retreats to big pile of books*

christmas, presents, meme

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