X-mas Feedback!

Dec 06, 2006 14:05

I know I owe loads of people drabbles and ficlets and the like, and they will get done after exams finish and I have that magic week of free time. (*dances*) BUT! There are other things that I'd like to give for Xmas. Stolen shameless from spuffyduds:

Give me a link to a fic that you'd like me to leave feedback for, and I promise to write at least a ( Read more... )

christmas, presents, meme

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Comments 9

spuffyduds December 6 2006, 14:30:11 UTC
Here's an oldish, short fill-in-the-blank BTVS fic. And I Will Therefore Fix It Whee!


kakodaimon December 6 2006, 14:39:30 UTC
-_- Damn, I thought you were offering free fic. Never mind!


kangeiko December 6 2006, 14:40:52 UTC
*giggle* well, as you asked so nicely, I shall do my best, sweetie! I probably won't be for a week or two, though - is that ok?


kakodaimon December 6 2006, 14:50:09 UTC
A month or two is okay! Yay.


kangeiko December 30 2006, 00:26:39 UTC
Done! Happy Hannukah!


bluerosefairy December 6 2006, 15:11:27 UTC
Ooh, ooh, I've got one!

Noli Me Tangere - Carnivale, Iris-centric.

Both con-crit and squeeing is more than welcome.


kangeiko December 30 2006, 01:13:50 UTC
All done! *beams* That was fabulous, honey!!


(The comment has been removed)

kangeiko December 30 2006, 01:13:01 UTC
*is years behind on comments...*

Go for it!


kita0610 December 8 2006, 01:14:25 UTC
Anything you want. Follow the fic tag link on my LJ.

Praise and or concrit gratefully accepted.



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