Drabble meme thingie

Apr 19, 2006 12:43

As part of my 'I'm going to write more drabbles and fewer ficlets' resolution, I'm, er, going to write more drabbles. Then, you see, it's like I'm writing, but without the stress ( Read more... )

drabbles, writing

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C is for... kangeiko April 20 2006, 12:04:04 UTC
Hmm. Didn't quite come out the way I intended it. Oh, well.



It's not that she felt threatened. She knew the practicalities of the matter, and Londo Mollari could not afford to replace her as wife, unlike some poor wretches of his former acquaintance. The Emperor would not stand for it a second time. She perfectly, completely safe.

Still, Daggair allowed, perhaps she should check on the new arrival. Londo had refused to name his bride-to-be until the actual nuptial day and Daggair was planning on being quite regrettably ill at that happy time.

Surely a small peek was permissible.

"Daggair. What are you doing here?" Timov, in what could only be described a shocking state of undress.

"Aah, Timov, my dear. How lovely to see so much of you ( ... )


Re: C is for... selenak April 28 2006, 06:37:06 UTC
Arggh, I thought I had already feedback'd, but now upon checking see I had not! Sorry. Anyway, that's delightful sparring between Daggair and Timov, and it occurs to me that Daggair, Timov and Mariel ought to have a drawing room comedy spin-off of their own!


Re: C is for... kangeiko April 29 2006, 21:13:56 UTC
Not a problem hon'. :-) Glad you liked it!

it occurs to me that Daggair, Timov and Mariel ought to have a drawing room comedy spin-off of their own!


You know, this would be just the sort of thing that a seasoned theatrical_muse-er such as yourself would be able to manage... *cough cough nudge nudge*


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