Drabble meme thingie

Apr 19, 2006 12:43

As part of my 'I'm going to write more drabbles and fewer ficlets' resolution, I'm, er, going to write more drabbles. Then, you see, it's like I'm writing, but without the stress.

Also, work is boring.

So, I want to do a series of alphabet drabbles - give me a character or pairing in any fandom I'm familiar with (or guess, and if I don't know it I'll let you know), and give me a prompt of one word (which is where the alphabet bit comes into it). I want to cover the entire alphabet with the prompts, across a variety of fandoms. So, thrown in your hat and we'll see what comes up.

*twiddles thumbs* It's my lunch-hour! I'm bored!

drabbles, writing

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