Drabble meme thingie

Apr 19, 2006 12:43

As part of my 'I'm going to write more drabbles and fewer ficlets' resolution, I'm, er, going to write more drabbles. Then, you see, it's like I'm writing, but without the stress ( Read more... )

drabbles, writing

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A is for... kangeiko April 19 2006, 12:45:55 UTC


"No daughter of mine -!"

She had tried explaining about the skirt, and the need for the lipstick and, finally, when that hadn't worked, the need to not being laughed off the playground. "Anna's dad lets her dress like this -"

"And if Anna's dad let her throw herself down a well, am I expected to follow suit? I didn't raise you to be a sheep!"

No, her dad's objections didn't make any sense at all. 'Sheep' was wearing the regulation-length skirt and flat shoes, and scrubbing her glittery nail polish off before school on Monday. 'Sheep' was doing what the teacher told you to, and handing in your homework on time, and not smoking.

She gritted her teeth. She stomped her feet. She invoked the sacred rite of, "well, Mum said it was ok -" and finally - finally! he gave in. She wasn't a little girl any longer, and she didn't see why she had to follow some backward village's stupid rules anyway; it's not like they lived there anymore. No - she hoisted the skirt up a little higher - she was a modern girl, and she was going ( ... )


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