Still in the mood for a Happy New Years Post? 8D

Jan 08, 2009 23:51

AHAHAHAAAA! I made it! This is the last one! I decided to give Matsujun a whole new post so I didn't have to touch those LJ cut's on the two other again EVER.. 8D
The others are, of course Part ONE and Part TWO.. (YAY for neat linking~ ^__^v)

Let's start with THIS! .. Uwaaah~ why so pretty Junniekins?

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arashi, huge picspam, quotes

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Comments 22

rikke_leonhart January 9 2009, 09:00:32 UTC
I want New Years forever

Ah, FE fills my life with such glee. He'd hit me if he knew.

Ohmiya <33333333333333333333



i_am_zan January 9 2009, 15:11:29 UTC



kanesu January 11 2009, 19:16:29 UTC
YAAAAYYYYY!!!! As I said to Rikke-love: Ohmiya is probably the next one. ..when I survive the start of the school.. ^^

*Zanniehugs!!* <-just for you~ ^^


kanesu January 11 2009, 19:13:29 UTC
*is back*
*loves you lots*

You can have as many new years as you wish, since it's you! ^^
FE would hit us all. And then he would tell AG what we did to HIM..

Hmmmmm seems like the next one will be an Ohmiya one. Do you think I should put these things up to communities..? Is it a nuisance to have so many pic spam thingies?

I'm really death from this weekend.. I did manage to do my essay, though! YATTA!!



mizud January 9 2009, 19:57:03 UTC
Lasto daaa!!
Great Jun pics and I love Ooshima-san, she is soo sweet xDDD
They could have her every episode, it would be so funny, ne??

I'm totaly for more Picsquotes xDDD Ohmiya, Matsumiya, whatevermiya, wahahaha *stupid laugh* >>



kanesu January 11 2009, 19:26:17 UTC
Yesh, last one. ^^ but not really! because I'll be making more of these! someday! *over tired -> over excited* 8D

Ooshima is so great! And so clearly a real fan, as she knows so much about Arashi.. ^^ *counts the word 'so' from the last sentence, or SO*

*pats your head* Yes honny, I know: they make me go all 'whatevermiya' too! XD ..'Cause, any pair in Arashi works fine~

Uwa~! You're such a love for memorising my little picquotespams.. :D

btw: uta no oniisan: excited/excited? 8DDDDDD less than a week~!



mizud January 11 2009, 23:09:27 UTC
I'm soooooo excited right now, only a few days left and I will see Ohchaaaaan in that LOL costume xDDDDD
Right now, I'm still running around, like I wrote in An-chans LJ...and maybe she is still running with me xDDDD Come and run with us ;P
*bounce bounce*




kanesu January 12 2009, 13:10:25 UTC
Hahaaaaaa~ I went and joined your running.. >_>

I'm so gonna enjoy seeing Oh-chan in the LOL costume! Also as a monkey! Maybe he'll sing too? *excited*

Friday. *__*

..I wonder if Neener is going to guest-appear.. *wishful thinking*


hakka_candy January 12 2009, 08:07:28 UTC
"I like girls." *DYING* AHAHA.

If it was not a member, I would of lost my temper.(Laugh)
D'awww, Junnie. I'm sure he holds back a lot for his favorite Dork!Four. ;D

Ooh, I've never seen this picture before; why is Jun so preettty. *o*


kanesu January 12 2009, 13:29:25 UTC
H-he just had to explain it with great detail, ne.. XDDD Poor kid, I guess no one believes him..

You picked another favourite of mine~ ^^
I'm so convinced that if anyone else tried to pull the stunts on him that Arashi does on a regular basis, that person would be dead within the next day. O__o
I love the member love he shows almost as much as Aiba!

Ah that one! So pretty~! I don't even know where it came from~ v_v
Also, you saw that last Tiny!Jun pic? The one with his hair standing up? XD Never fails to cheer me up, that one! XDDD


mizud January 12 2009, 14:22:42 UTC
I hope he will sing, he is UTA no Oniichan!!!><
And Neener would be great, but the others too, like he lost his old band, but he would form a new one with Nino, Jun, Aiba and Sho *giggle*
Fans would go ROOOOOAAAAAR!!!!
What a dream >> *sigh*
But a nice idea, ne?


mizud January 12 2009, 14:24:27 UTC
ups.... sigh....I didn't clicked on reply *baka Mizu* >>


kanesu January 12 2009, 17:06:59 UTC
Baka Mizu Kawaii Mizu~ ^____^

Yesh, that's why I'm hoping to hear him SING! :D I mean like..something else than Arashi songs. Children's songs!? 8D

And Neener would be great, but the others too, like he lost his old band, but he would form a new one with Nino, Jun, Aiba and Sho *giggle*
*loves your brains*
*gives cookies to your brains*
omg..I SO would like to see this~ ^____^


mizud January 12 2009, 17:28:39 UTC
Yaiiii cookies!!!! *there goes my diet after X-mas* xDDDDD

I think everyone would love it ^^, but the whole Arashi in a dorama??? The price of Arashi right now....I think it would be to much for a dorama...and it's not in the prime time...
*the dream floats away*

muri muri T_T

*eat cookies in the edge*


saariii January 17 2009, 06:48:34 UTC
Argh, how did I miss this?! I love the Junnie spam ♥ I haven't really been noticing or giving Junnie enough love (like I do with my OT3 ♥) so it's great to read something like this. =D

Junnosuke~ ♥ And that bit about talking to himself. Aww, he says "tadaima" when he gets home? I want to be his Momo, and I'll just wait around in his flat and jump up with an "okaeri!!!" when he comes home. *gets a pat* XDDD


kanesu January 17 2009, 15:44:03 UTC
Haha! Don't worry, I'm glad you found it in the end! ^^
I know what you mean~ it was kinda hard to start this spam as he's not my ichiban either, but I'm happy I did it and it turned out alright!

Junnosuke! XD Only Arashi could bring that name up and not get severely beaten. &hearts Member-ai~

What a lonely person and OMG I've had that same thought about being his petto.. >_>
Also, now I have this mental image of you jumping from around the corner knocking Junnie of his feet and shouting "OKAERI!!!"
*has the sudden urge to scratch behind your ears*

*sigh* I'm being reduced to a weekend LJ-er too, it seems. At least the first week of school seemed pretty hard. So I may be quite late with my answers but..still here. Alive. Somewhat.


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