Continuing New Year Happiness~

Jan 07, 2009 22:44

I-I'm not late, am I? T____T  Wishful thinking, that.. HOWEVER. I did come back to finish the picture + quote spam, today it's time to see what AIBA, NINO and JUN have to say! YAY! 8D *get's excited all on her own* 8D

Today our first target is the Christmas boy, Aiba. <3

One of my all time favourite pictures of Aiba Masaki~ Because we clearly had that sofa when I was a child. *nodnod*


It's always one of these guys whose causing the ruckus..anytime, anyplace. Left pic: Riida needs attention. Right pic: Aiba needs attention. [me: 8D I'll give you attention, yes?]

AnS #95
Aiba: And, wait, Leader, you're not talking! Leader, let's talk! Let's talk, okay?
Ohno: [silently dumps a spoonful of mayo in the rice]
Aiba: Okay, Leader, okay!!
Jun: What'd he say? What'd he say, what did he say?
Mwahaha~ The silent interaction between the ruckus guys (yes, I'm going to call them that from now on! 8D) was unfortunately missed by the other members.
(Translator aatash )


There something in the friendship between Nino and Aiba that keeps fascinating me. ^^ Also. Half naked Aiba.

VSA #? (2008.12.20)
Sho: Just, Aiba-san, I didn't know this either, but, you go in the shower together?
Nino: I guess, isn't it a together shower?
Aiba: That's right.
Sho: You mean you are using the same shower?
Aiba: Yes
Nino: Yes.
Jun: I've heard them off to the side kind of... Kind of...
Aiba: It's not like that!
Nino: He does come into the one I'm in, certainly. Saying, like, "Special Delivery".
Jun: 'Special Delivery'?
Nino: When I'm washing my hair and stuff, he'll say "Special Delivery!"
Aiba: Junior-san. Junior-san, please understand. There are some venues where there are only two or three showers.
Junior: That's certainly true.
Aiba: And, when I went they were all filled. Over here was MatsuJun and over here was Sho-chan. So, if right here was Nino, well, I thought if I went in with MatsuJun I'd get kicked, so it was like, "I guess the safest is Nino," so I went "let me shower a little," like that. The party is also in full swing, but.
Nino: Thank you!
I saw someone translate that 'Special Delivery' as 'You've got mail!' ROFL Also, get kicked out of showers by Jun much? So real~ XD
(Translated by capncosmo )


The one to truly be an Arashi member with all his heart has always been Aiba. Oh don't brick me! Of course the others are just as deeply involved in it and willing to show some member-ai, but seriously. Who's the one that is capable of boring the others to tears with his non-stop confessions of love to Arashi?

A no Arashi. <3

Recomen (2008.09.26)
A question from listener,
Once V6 members were asked if they are able to be in other Johnny's group for limited time, which group would it be?
And Ken kun and Okada kun said,"ARASHI"
Aiba chan, if you can change groups, which group would you like to join?
Eh~! Which one?
How about V6?
I wonder what it's like?
"Hi, I'm Aiba of V6".....No good.
I feel weird......Age differences.
But you shouldn't mind in a group.
So I will say "Morning! Sakamoto kun! like this? (Laugh)
Wow, it's so much fun to just imagine it!!
"I'm Aiba of TOKIO!"
"I'm Aiba of Tacky & Tsubasa!"
I don't get it any more......
But in that case, you must take Tsubasa kun off.
"Tacky & Aiba" desu??
How about KAT-TUN's A for Aiba?
I'm KAT-TUN's A, Aiba desu.
I'm Aiba of Hey!Say!JUMP
No. I'm not from Heisei era.
But I still think ARASHI is the only one for me!
Though they are all attractive......, but ARASHI is the Best!!!!!
How sweet~ <3 (Sorry, I can't help over using the hearts ;;__;;)
(Translation credits to onlyjun at vox)


Aiba and the puppies. It's difficult to say if there's anything cuter in this universe. (..Except maybe tiny elephants. what.)

This is randomly from one of the earlier episodes of Tensai Shimura Doubutsuen. Probably from 2004. (Don't look at me with those accusing eyes, my source didn't know either!)
Aiba:'s a fish right?

So he wasn't ALWAYS like this great big, courageous zoo-keeper-person that we last saw on Oshareism..?
Nah. He was not, I tell you.

Arashigoto 10,000 words interview
I really like animals too, and when I was in kindergarten I kept tadpoles as pets. Because I was really too happy, I would just stare at them and watch them all the time, and feed them ten times in one day. I did that everyday, and then one day the tadpoles suddenly grew legs, I was reaaaaaally shocked. Because back then I still didn't know tadpoles would turn into frogs (laugh).
Tiny!Aiba getting all shocked~ *doubles up laughing* Poor baby! *snort* He didn't see it coming.. *unhealthy sounding cackle*
(Translated by say_it_again )

*cough* Look! Hot nekkid asian guys 'fighting'! *runs*

See, I told you I love these two! :D Even more than the ruckus guys..

Non-no 10/2008 - Ai no Arashi: Aiba Masaki x Ninomiya Kazunari
Aiba:Let's see... first is me and Nino. We became close right from the beginning when we first started taking on activities as Juniors. Even in Arashi, we've been together for an especially long time, haven't we?
Nino: Because we live in the same direction, we always took the same train home together. And because of that, even now we still say naturally to each other after work, "Let's eat before we head home?" really easily like that.
Aiba: The time that we've spent together might even be longer than the time spent with our families. Nino basically hasn't changed at all from before. In any case, you're very skilled and single-minded at what you're into. Though what you're addicted to now has changed from tamagotchis to magic.
Nino: My impression of Aiba-chan is...
Aiba: I think there are probably lots of good points about me, but please try to sum it up in one sentence (laugh).
Nino: Just the opposite of me, you give up easily after doing badly (laugh). Like snowboarding or diving or darts, you try out a lot of different things, but there are lots which you never keep at as well. You're really really bad at darts (snicker).
Aiba: Shut uuup (laugh). More so than control, I'm a man who wins by sheer power!
(Translated by say_it_again )

Please try to sum up my good points in to one sentence..? *pats the lovely dork's head* Sure honny, we all love you. Even if all the Kazus of this world say your stuu upid..

A-HA! We made it to the next member! NINO! Let's see what the all mighty oracle, also known as TheSloganizer, has to say about Nino at this particular time: <>> ..Iya. I know someone who might disagree~ *comfor-hugs Ohno*


Watch out everyone, it's emo!Nino.. D8 Quick, we need Riida! ..Ah, there we go. Much better now, ne~ :D I'm still pretty convinced that without Ohno's excistence we could all be living on a planet Ninomiya, ruled by sovereign Kazu the Almighty, and 'Arashi' would be only known as his royal painintheass clowns..

*move to the on*

(From Tv Pia, but please do not ask me further.. T__T)
The origin of Gimmick Game
Nino: I had the live performace in my mind when I composed the song.
Sho: Its called Gimmick Game, right? Didn't you write those lyrics when we had one of our meetings?
Nino: Yes I did.
Ohno: You wrote it quite quickly, right
Nino: Well, during that time, there was Shochan in front of me, eating his curry and sweating profusely, and ri-da- sitting next to me, doing his art, and I could, surprisingly write my lyrics under those conditions.
MatsuJun: Do the lyrics reflect a past experience?
Nino: Well,as the lyrics says, there is this guy with dirty fingers (casts sideways glances at Captain)
Ohno: you mean the stains of the resin?
Nino: This is Ohno-san's song.
MatsuJun: Hahahha OMG I can't take this!
Nino: (unshamelessly) This is our song when Ri-da- and myself were dating. Well we have since broke up....
Ohno: Ok During the Dome cons, I will appear in the interlude in this song...
Aiba: Oh its like a reminiscing scene (laughs)
Sho: Ok in that case, i will eat curry in the interlude of this song.
Nino: This song has nothing to do with Curry!!!
OMG I love you guys so much~! XDDDD
(Translated by sumoboy )


This is such a Suvi-bias.. ;;___;; I turn all weak knee'ed and mushy and possibly even drooly whenever there's Nino with cards around..

FINEBOYS 2008.11.
Q1 Why are you interested in card magic?
It happened when I saw a card magic DVD that it looked like no one had ever borrowed in the local video store. I thought, I bet the stocking clerk's game will be totally thrown off, and so I said, I guess I'll borrow it and see (smile).
This is such an obvious reason for him to do random things. I can almost hear him snickering in the corner of that video store.. O__O
(Translated by capncosmo )


Sleepy Nino! 8D Shh~ If we're very quiet, maybe he won't mind us and goes to sleep.. *primming*

The following text is a straight quote, no addings by me.. ^^
More 2008.11
The day this interview was done was several days after the end of 24 Hour TV, the day before starting Arashi's second Asia tour. When asked "Are you a little tired?" he replied, "I don't think I've slep even 5 hours in these 3 days. There's preparation for the concert tonight as well, so I guess I won't be able to sleep? Now might be on the side of quite busy. But, there's nothing to be done about it. Because look, Arashi, right now, is hot (smile)."
Aaaw~ Aiba isn't the only one who wuws his Arashi! But seriously you guys! Let the man have his sleep! Especially if he looks so darn adorable sleeping..
(Translated by capncosmo )

Spazzzzzzz dance!!!! *flails*

You all should know this.. From Time Concert, just before they sang Be With You.. ;;____;;
"Aiba-kun cried huh. This is really the kind of group that Arashi is. We may be bad at singing, we may be bad at dancing too, and the things we talk about may not be interesting... but. All of it. Everything we do, has feeling in it. With hopes that everyone is enjoying them, wondering if people are enjoying what we do, we're always thinking of all of you as we perform these concerts."
*snif* Nino to the rescue~
(Translated by aatash )


*ogling* ..Sneaky little..prat. Way too hot for his own good, in my opinion.

Remember this?:
AnS #48
Nino: Hai, Convenience stores are open for 24 hours... but I can go for 24 hours too! *salutes*
I-I decided not to say anything. *sifty eyes*
(Translated by nana_chan at Aibakaland)

You can always count on Nino to say the 'devil comments' as Sho put it.
HnA#? (But take a look here!)
Nino: Matsumoto-san, today...Your hair kinda looks similar to the puppy's...
Naturally for petto.
(Translator silzephyrfa)

Things like these happen in Shukudai, ne~?

Also, we saw a conversation like THIS in AnS #8 (Oh dear~ *hides*):
Nino: What happens to women during puberty (their growth period)?
Guest: Well, usually the chest starts to fill out...
Nino: That's it? No sudden radical growth spurt?
Guest: Yeah, but -
Aiba: Do they suddenly become huge? (about breasts)
Nino: I'm really sorry, but I'm seriously curious - Do they get bigger evenly?
Guest: They usually don't get bigger one side at a time. It would be surprising if it did.
Nino: Let's suppose you... that you're sleeping like this. (he's sitting so he hangs his arm out from armchair and leans so that his "breasts" are slightly crushed). Wouldn't this side be sort of crushed? You would wake up in the morning and it'd be like... *motions to breasts in a shocked way*
Jun: Hm, it's interesting when you think about it. The growth methods might differ due to different sleeping positions, maybe?
Nino: But how do they grow? Together? Does anyone ever think about it?
Guest: Well, sometimes there are women who have one breast smaller then the other. Like if someone does sports like tennis a lot, or uses one side of their body more, the sizes can be different. Well, they're muscles after all.
Ohno: So at what point do they get bigger?
Sho: Don't you think this breast talk has gone too far already?
Nino: Yeah, yeah, sorry.
Then, after a while..
Ogura-san: But even the upper grade students from elementary are already growing-
[Sign - You too?!]
Nino, darling, you grew up surrounded by women, didn't you? I mean, you couldn't just ask THEM, could you?
(Translator is..someone at Aibakaland? ^^;)


Time to let Aiba correct some things before we end here.. Jun doubts if it'll make things actually better to have Aiba speak. Nino is gleeful for some reason beyond our knowledge.. (I don't wanna know~ ..scary..)

BOAO - June 2008
Aiba: ..What does “being popular” mean in the first place? That people say “Suki, suki, date me!” or something?
Nino: For me, “To be popular = To be liked by the people whom you like.” So if everyone likes you, that means “you’re popular.”
Aiba: And do you make an effort to be popular?
Nino: I don’t. I don’t have to do anything to be popular (laughs).
He's an asshole and we love him anyway.. I don't know which is worst. e_e Still. I can't help remembering he was bullied whole through his school time, so I guess it might be..understandable..
This is from that same article. Aiba called him a 'kind person', so Nino defends himself:
“I do want to be kind towards women. But when I’m out eating with a female friend, I treat her the same way I treat the waitress, so I get told ‘You’re kind to everyone.’ Maybe it’s not a good thing that I’m equally kind to all women (laughs).”
Well, I personally would want my man to be polite to everyone but if there's no difference between me and the waitress..?
(Translated by enshinge )

Haha.. I-I lied about the Jun part.. *suffling feet* I'll have to get back to that tomorrow, since it's getting kinda late again.. T__T *fail #12983400033701*

Picture credits:
yuckie_chan , theproudpenguin , still_ciircee , sableheart , sariii , moogle_tey ,  ohmiyaday

arashi, huge picspam, quotes

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