Continuing New Year Happiness~

Jan 07, 2009 22:44

I-I'm not late, am I? T____T  Wishful thinking, that.. HOWEVER. I did come back to finish the picture + quote spam, today it's time to see what AIBA, NINO and JUN have to say! YAY! 8D *get's excited all on her own* 8D

So. Off to the picspam? Anyone? )

arashi, huge picspam, quotes

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Comments 19

snoew January 8 2009, 03:11:08 UTC
heheh! hi suvi. this is really a nice post! i enjoy reading compilation stuffs PLUS pic spams :x how sweet is that...and the obvious love to aiba from arashi XD HAHA i really really love arashi's group makes everything awesomely cool, ne~

<3333 the last picture of aiba side profile took all my breath away....ah *Dead*


kanesu January 8 2009, 13:31:24 UTC
Yay! Thanks Snowie~ *mushy hug* I love these picspams too when people make them. Also the translators! <3 Wonderful people..

Aiba is so gorgeous!!! 8D I love that last Aiba-Jun pic because he looks so and of course for the sidelook from Junnie (I wanna hear his thoughts!)


i_am_zan January 8 2009, 03:47:38 UTC
I kind of love you so much and kind of of love you for collecting these all in one place!

*loves and hugs you!*


kanesu January 8 2009, 13:36:20 UTC
Oh Zannie! You made it here too~
I love collecting quotes and the pics..they just sort of happen when you run around this fandom. XD Putting them both to the same post makes oddly sense to me.

*feels loved*
*hugs you back with love*


rikke_leonhart January 8 2009, 08:39:21 UTC
*will read when I get hime from horsy, but I WAS HERE*


kanesu January 8 2009, 13:39:42 UTC
*bouncing* YOU WERE HERE!!! <3
*sits politely and waits*


rikke_leonhart January 8 2009, 22:13:31 UTC
Okay, I want to say something constructive, but all I can get out is related to excessive fangirling D:

Miss you lots, still!


kanesu January 9 2009, 01:30:52 UTC
Fangirling is great but exhausting, have you noticed.. V_v

Still loving you lots! I have an essay to do tomorrow but I try to come in the evening~



saariii January 8 2009, 13:50:04 UTC
Suvi~~~ I like this post! Though I have to say I kinda skimmed over it; just focused on the Nino parts =D I will try and read it some more when weekend comes!

*_____*. Is this YamaTaro? I JUST LOVE THIS NINO. ♥ ♥

Thanks for this post! I didn't know until I read this that Nino actually said Gimmick Game is Ohmiya-song~~~ ♥ Oh the shamelessness! ♥!


kanesu January 8 2009, 14:27:48 UTC
Yeah no problem~ I'm happy you came to say hi in the mean time! ^__^

Nino parts are loved! Ah that one, it's actually Koichi from RnK. Being all sleepy and slightly annoyed by an early customer.. <33333 I might have stared this scene for about half an hour straight when I first saw it. You know, just saying. Might have.

Yesh I'm all kinds of high happy with that one too~! Proves Ohmiya love, like Ohno's 'don't take my Kazu away' message to Ryo or that wonderful 'happy birthday, honey' message from Nino..


(The comment has been removed)

kanesu January 8 2009, 17:20:20 UTC
I'm glad you like them~ ^^
Still one more about Junnie to make and then I can get to mysteeri. :P


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