Aug 18, 2009 03:15

Title: My Hero
Author: kanesu
Pairing: Ohno/Arashi
Genre: sappy angst
Rating: pg
Summary: Sometimes Ohno thinks he's not quite up to par.
Disclamer: I don't own the rights to Arashi and intend to get no profit of this free fanwork. None of this ever happened.
A/N: this is for my pikkusisko Anchi. change417  Happy birthday darling! <3

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my friends are better than yours, birthdays, i wrote a fic!

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Comments 5

i_am_zan August 18 2009, 01:03:34 UTC
Now why do I feel like it's my Birthday instead! ^__^

*hugs you!* This is much much love and your love in it show through a lot.

*LOVES you back* - Hope you are having nice weather where you are ...sadly it will be hot and humid. As ever hot and humid. ^_^

I saw the seating is being put up for the F1 night races here next month and I thought of Rikke and when I think of Rikke I think of Su and then I feel a whole lot of love making me all fuzzy and tingly! ^_^

*hugs some more* - Hope you sleep soon and have sweet dreams.


kanesu August 18 2009, 01:26:48 UTC
Just you wait for yours~ <3 btw: would you prefer a picture or a fiction? -just in case I get really busy when school starts next month..

Oh I'm glad my love got through ^___^ seriously, I'm seriously the sappiest person alive but I loved writing this..and I LOVE YOU TOO! :D

Ah the weather.. it was raining today, but basically August is the best month of the whole summer..meaning warm! ^^

F1! Oh she would love that! ^______^v Maybe next year we'll come and visit you during the race.. :P
Aww you~ &hearts &hearts &hearts

I'm going to sleep now, I just hurried and stayed up because the 17th (her birthday) was running out of hands. XD
I'll be (hopefully!) watching Ohno -dreams tonight..a friend of mine told me that she dreamed of sitting in his lap - while being interviewed for a job. XDD I'd love to do that too~


i_am_zan August 18 2009, 03:10:55 UTC
ooh fic pretty pretty please and YES YES YESSSSITY YESS!!! If you amke it to our sunny island for next year's F1 it would be beyond awesome!



change417 August 20 2009, 14:02:30 UTC
Isosisko~!!! Sorry, I'm late ;__; I read this a few days ago but didn't have time to comment^^ And I didn't want to just give you a slip-shod comment either~ So I waited till today^^

This is an really amazing fic! *___* I love it!<3 I especially like the first part about Ohno's insecurities etc~ Kinda bittersweet~ Then how the Arashi members care for him in their own ways... That's just so sweeeeeet~ Though it's not my first time reading this fic, I still get this warm-fuzzy feeling everytime I read this<3 Thank you for posting this fic for my birthday ^____^ *huggles* I love you, isosisko!<3 *muackz*

I'm going to put this in my memories so that I can read it anytime XDD Hee!

PS. I miss you dearly T____T When are you coming back to LJ??? *clings*


kanesu August 20 2009, 15:04:40 UTC
Hi Anchi! <3 You're not late at all, I know you have a lot of friends to stop by to especially around your birthday~ ^__^
Aww you're as sweet as always dear! *huggggggs*

Thank you! *huggles* I'm glad you like it, eventhough it's a bit different from the original..

I always think this as "Anchi's fic" so it was only right to finish it to your birthday. ^^ I knew a while ago that I wanted to give it to you, so sorry I kinda just left you with: "yeah..I haven't forgotten the fic..seeyoubye!" ;__; Because I couldn't have you beta-ing your present, right?

I've lately started to seriously appreciate Oh-chan on another level so it was truly from the heart, this fic.

I'm back here now. School's starting once more on September so I should be actually more online after that. More regularly, at least. ^^ My on-off work and holiday is making me cranky and Arashi addicted. And kinda anti-social too. ;;__;; Sorry about that!

But you're my dear dear pikkusisko so I couldn't even dream of forgetting you completely! <3 So..see you around soon~ ^^


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