Title: Eleven Winter Days (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 22)
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Previous Chapters
Rating: NC17 for language and sexual content
Summary: What gifts did you get over the holidays?
Notes: *prepares for fan onslaught*
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Comments 10
Okay, remember when I asked about who was worse off-Teddy, Vic, HC or Luna?
Luna wins. Her diary entries are wonderful, but devastating. But the others? OUCH.
You've done an amazing job of painting a love triangle that doesn't have a right solution. (Unless you go the direction indicated in my icon, which definitely doesn't seem where you're headed!)
First off, Serenity quote FOR THE WIN. I keep expecting you to write James as more of a smartass, and I finally get it.
I knew, I think I said before, that something would eventually happen with Teddy and Vic, even when you spoiled it for me a little. I also like the relationship you have going with Scorpius and Meghan. I kept wanting Meghan's father meeting "Scott Malvoy" later that night and going ape-shit nuts about who he was.
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