Limited Commercial Interruption (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Intermission)

May 13, 2009 12:23

Title: Limited Commercial Interruption (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Intermission)
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Previous Chapters
Rating: PG for primetime level violence & language
Summary: Previously, on Jimmy Porter...
Notes: This isn't the beginning of a new chunk, but simply an intermission to tide you over for the next bit of Oligarchy.
I own all of the characters in this chapter, but they were inspired by/copied from the characters of JK Rowling.

Darkness Man / Previous Chapters / Circle of Thirteen

Jimmy Porter & The Journey to Death's Door
The Adv. of Jimmy Porter
Series 2 : Ep. 15 (season finale) | 50:48 | ***** (cc)
At the end of Death's Door, Jimmy discovers the truth behind the school's attacks


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This programme is brought to you with limited commercial interruption by ZedNesTech. The Adventures of Jimmy Porter: The Video Game, available November 15, 2019 for PS5, XBox 1080, Wii3, DSx, PC, Mac, and iPhone. Download the demo at,, XBox Live, PlayStation Network, or The Nintendo Channel!

And by BURST, the new high-powered energy drink. Proud sponsor of Star Bomb, starring Stephen Strom and Veronica Duke. Opening in cinemas everywhere January 13th.

Year Three of Jimmy Porter is coming December 1! Check or for more information, and watch BBC One November 10 for the exclusive Series Three preview!

And now, enjoy your programme!

Previously on Jimmy Porter:

EP 2: Ext. Pan, Magic Academy

EP 2: PRESTO: (vo) Welcome, Jimmy, to your second year at Magic Academy!

EP 2: PRESTO: (vo) Your new professor, Lionel Trepid!

EP 5: LIONEL fighting with imaginary sword

Girls w/ dreamy looks and hearts in their eyes

Boys w/ dark clouds over their heads

EP 2: RANDALL: Jimmy, this is me sister, Gwen.

EP 4: GWEN runs into wall again, falls over

SALLY: Randall, I think your sister has a crush on Jimmy!

HOOT: She's not the only one!

EP 3: PETE: (vo) I'm your biggest fan, Jimmy!

EP 8: Magic Academy walls covered in Jimmy Porter Fan Club posters

EP 3: PETE: Can I take your picture?

EP 5: SALLY: (vo) Jimmy, this is Lana Goodmoon.

RANDALL: (vo) She's a bit... odd.

LANA in front of students, with celery in her hair, showing a chart labelled Why Everything Is A Lie


HOOT: A bit odd? Is that the best you can come up with? I was thinking balmy, wacko, totally hatstand, mad as a box of frogs!

EP 5: JIMMY: One of these days it'd be nice to meet a normal wizard.


EP 4: PRESTO: Something is very wrong here at Magic Academy.

EP 6: JIMMY swooping through Broomball game

EP 7: JIMMY: (vo) Something's attacking students! Turning them to stone! And I think it's after me next!


EP 8: PETE turned to stone.

EP 7: MARY turned to stone.

EP 7: DRAKE: (vo) My name is Drake Valor. I can help you.

EP 7: GWEN writing in diary

EP 10: Dream int. ballroom. DRAKE and an older GWEN dance in formal attire

EP 10: DRAKE: I love you, Gwen.

EP 7: LIONEL: Death's Door is a lie!

EP 12: DRAKE: Death's Door is not a lie. I was there the last time...

EP 9: RANDALL: But 'o would open Death's Door?

EP 9: JIMMY: (vo) Nero?

S1, EP 2: NERO uses Beastial

EP 9: SALLY: (vo) Maybe it's Professor Snively?

EP 5: SNIVELY looking suspicious

EP 12: JIMMY: (vo) We have to find Death's Door before it's too late!

EP 11: SALLY and HOOT turned to stone

EP 14: LANA and ORVILLE sitting beside SALLY in hospital

EP 13: DRAKE: (vo) I can show you the way.

EP 13: JIMMY and RANDALL standing in front of Death's Door

EP 14: GWEN: Jimmy, help!

EP 14: RANDALL: Gwen's in there!

EP 14: LIONEL: I can't let you go any further, Jimmy Porter! My master won't allow it!


EP 14: RANDALL: Why can't Presto ever 'ire professors that aint evil?

EP 14: LIONEL: I'm sorry, but who are you?



LIONEL: I'm sorry, but who are you?


Int. Death's Door. JIMMY and RANDALL approach LIONEL, who is on floor, leaning against wall. RANDALL is still holding wounded arm from EP 14

RANDALL: I fin' ya knocked 'is brain loose, Jimmy.

LIONEL: Rather gloomy in here, isn't it?

JIMMY: I didn't do it! He must have tried casting a Brain Wipe Spell on us, and my Beastial reflected it back on him.

RANDALL: (to LIONEL) Alright, Trepid, listen up: You're a professor, ya 'ave big teeth, you're a git, and I have no idea why Sally thinks you're sexy.

LIONEL: That's nice.... Rather gloomy in here, isn't it?

RANDALL: (to JIMMY) Can I hit 'im again?

GWEN: (in the distance) Jimmy! Randall! Help!

RANDALL: Gwen! Jimmy, my sister's in there! We have to hurry!

JIMMY: Randall, you stay here and watch Professor Trepid.

LIONEL: My name's Trepid?

RANDALL: No! I'm goin' with you!

LIONEL: Rather funny name, isn't it?

JIMMY: Whatever's at the end of this tunnel is going to be very powerful. I can't accept you going up against whatever it is with your wand arm injured. You'll get yourself killed.

RANDALL: But it's Gwen! I promised my Mum I'd watch after 'er!

JIMMY: And do you think I'd let her get hurt? Randall, she's your sister, and she's my friend. I'd rather die than see her hurt, you know that.

RANDALL stares down JIMMY. Relents.

JIMMY: I'll be back soon. With Gwen.

RANDALL: Be safe.

RANDALL holds out his hand. JIMMY shakes it.

JIMMY: You, too.


MONTAGE: JIMMY walks down dark tunnel. RATS run beneath his feet, and A GIANT SNAKE SKIN is tossed against one wall.

MONTAGE ENDS as JIMMY enters the final chamber

(Tsu to Simon: Massively sized. Don't worry about realism beneath MA. Snake heads line walls, skeletons on floor. Huge king cobra statue in front, with mouth open for basilisk to enter/exit. ref: Indiana Jones or GI Joe's Serpentor, only much older)

JIMMY: Gwen!

GWEN hangs from middle of chamber, ropes wrapped around her from shoulder to hips, and ankles tied. DRAKE stands beside her. Note DIARY beside him

GWEN: Jimmy, help me! I'm so scared!

DRAKE: You have arrived, Jimmy Porter. What perfect timing.

JIMMY: Drake, what are you doing here? I thought you were just a dream.

DRAKE: I am no mere dream, Jimmy.

JIMMY: Drake, we have to hurry. The basilisk will be here soon, and--

EFF: SCREEN SHAKES. Low rumbling, then SOUND: BASILISK CALL. DRAKE dives into GWEN, knocking her away just as BASILISK appears through king cobra's mouth


Key points:

BASILISK fires beams from eyes that turn things to stone

BASILISK immune to magic

DRAKE protects GWEN, but does not fight BASILISK

JIMMY driven to brink (Ed: as usual)

JIMMY: I can't fight him with just my magic. So I can't use Aquila. But how else can I defeat him?

PRESTO: (vo) Beastials hold a special connection to their user, Jimmy. Trust in them, and do not be surprised if you discover new ways to utilize them.

JIMMY: New ways to utilize them?


Key points:

Start with abb. JIMMY'S BEASTIAL SEQ

Merge AQUILA with JIMMY'S wand to create AQUILA SWORD

(Tsu to Simon: Simple yet elegant. Powerful. More Gondor than Greyskull. European style fine, Celtic style fine, Asian style fine. As for the sequence itself, I would like for it to be re-animated every time, but I know this isn't possible. This can be a reused sequence like previous Beastials, isolated from particular situation)

[Ed: Great idea! But make the sword fancier. Tsu, think of this idea for other Bestals. Cross-promotional opportunity with children's role play sword: lights, battle sounds, etc. Brainstorm! Transforming toy: animal to weapon?]


[Ed: Careful about the gore. Beheading snake is fine, but parents & animal rights groups will be concerned if there is too much blood, vicera, etc. Might want to "vanish" body at the death (smoke? melt? light?)]

DRAKE: Good fighting, Jimmy Porter. How does someone so young master the Beastial Blade technique so quickly? [Ed: GREAT NAME]

JIMMY: No idea. Cut Gwen down. We have to get out of here before that snake's owner comes back.

DRAKE: I do not think that's going to happen.

JIMMY: Why not? Drake, Professor Trepid said something about his master not wanting me to get here.

DRAKE: Lionel is an idiot. His master is not coming.

JIMMY: Why not?

DRAKE: Because he has already arrived.

DRAKE knocks down JIMMY in powerful fashion

JIMMY: What--?

DRAKE: Did you really think it would be that easy, Jimmy Porter? Are you really so gullible as to think that you could just be handed the answer just when you needed it most? Did you really think my intentions were so pure and just?

JIMMY: No... It can't be...

DRAKE: It can.

DRAKE points his wand at the wall, where the words DRAKE AMID VALOR become slashed in glowing red letters. Letters re-arrange: I AM LORD KADAVER

DRAKE: When I was a student at Magic Academy I placed a piece of my soul into my diary so that I may live forever. When my servant gave Gwen my journal, I began to use her for many purposes: to regain my power, to destroy as many Normal-Borns as possible, and to find you, the boy who killed me.

FLASHBACK: GWEN finds journal in her stack of books (ep 5). GWEN writing in journal (ep 7).

JIMMY: Use her? How could you? Did you brainwash her?

DRAKE: Of course not. I love her, you see. And when I regain my power to its fullest, she shall be my bride.

GWEN: Jimmy, I'm so sorry! He tricked me!

JIMMY: Don't worry, Gwen! I'll get you out of here! You're going to be safe.

DRAKE: Of course she will be safe. I will see to it myself that she shall not be touched. I do not yet have the power to defeat you myself, but if we join together your death will be quick and painful.

GWEN: No! Not again! I won't fight him! I'll never fight him! Jimmy, please help me!

DRAKE: You have done this many times, Gwen. (vo) When you used the basilisk to freeze all of those students I did not hear you complain. Just think: this time, you shall be more powerful than you have ever been.

NEW CONTENT: GWEN opening Death's Door. GWEN directing basilisk to attack PETE. GWEN, quite terrified, directing basilisk to attack SALLY and HOOT

GWEN: You wouldn't let me! No! Not again!

JIMMY: Don't you hurt her, you bastard!

DRAKE: Silence! This shall only hurt for a moment, and then it will be all over. Just think: When my nemesis is defeated, I shall have no one to stand in my way to return to my former body. Then you and I would rule the world, together!

DRAKE touches GWEN'S forhead with his wand. In a flash of light, the two merge into DARK GWEN

(Tsu to Simon: use the gwen designed for dream sequences w/ jimmy and drake for dark gwen: late teens/early twenties, long hair, etc. don't be afraid to sex her up for this look. skimpy is good. ref: bachalo's aoa phoenix, ff8's edea, acker's illyria. powerful, terrifying, hot as hell. remember what we're planning for gwen in upcoming series, aud should get a glimpse of what they're in for as the students get older. and she floats)

[Ed: careful with the sexualization. sex sells but we're still attempting to make this a family show. might be a late teens gwen, but some touchy families may still see her as 11. aim for 12 rating, 15 if it's blurred]


DARK GWEN: And now, Jimmy Porter, we shall see if you can defeat the Lord Kadaver at his most powerful!

(Tsu to Casting/Sound: New voice talent not needed, as GWEN has done "older" voice previously. Overlay DRAKE and GWEN vocals into one track w/ additional effects)


Key points:

Final battle of this series (EPIC)

DARK GWEN has final boss-level power: Bright and flashy

No wand used

Destabilize chamber during battle

Magic is useless, passes through DARK GWEN

Drives JIMMY to near defeat

Cut to RANDALL and TREPID during battle, as well as SALLY, ORVILLE, and LANA. All react to shaking from battle

DARK GWEN: Is this all? Is this all the great Jimmy Porter has to offer? This is the wizard that defeated me all these years ago? I am at a fraction of my former power, and you are but a mere plaything to me.

JIMMY: Damn it! My sword is useless as long as he has control of Gwen.

DARK GWEN: Stand up, Jimmy Porter. Stand true. Gain your feet, and die with some semblance of honor.

GWEN: (vo) Jimmy, don't let him win! Do whatever you need to do! Kill us both!

JIMMY: No... No, I can't! I WON'T KILL YOU!


Key points:

Separate AQUILA SWORD into AQUILA and wand

Send AQUILA after enemy

(Tsu to Simon: like #2, this sequence can be generic, as the sword will be used in future episodes)

DARK GWEN: Ah, a Beastial. How quaint. But as you know, Jimmy Porter: Anything you can do, I can do infinitely better.


Key points:

As massive or spectacular as you want, as this will probably never happen again

Create URSA DRACONIS, a Beastial hybrid of GWEN's URSA Beastial and KADAVER's DRAGO Beastial

(Tsu to Simon: I'll leave you for details on this merger, but I'm picturing an enormous bear with reptilian scales, red eyes, and fire breath. Beyond that, go crazy)

[Ed: give it wings. great toy potential. spec ed boxed set w/ dark gwen?]

AQUILA defeated by URSA SERPENIA, but both stay on the scene (no disappearing like when other Beastials are defeated)

GWEN: (vo) No!

DARK GWEN: And here I was expecting a challenge.


DARK GWEN: And now you will die!

GWEN: (vo) No, stop! I won't let you!

DARK GWEN pauses, begins to fight herself internally: Facial exp., body contortions, flickering light, etc

JIMMY: Gwen!

DARK GWEN: Stop struggling, foolish girl. The sooner he is dead, the sooner I shall release you.

GWEN: (vo) I won't let you kill him! I'd rather die!

JIMMY: (near unconsciousness) Fight him, Gwen... You can't let him control you...


JIMMY: Don't let him... win...

GWEN: Jimmy! I'm sorry! I won't let you die!

Internal struggle continues both for DARK GWEN and URSA SERPENIA.


Key Points:

URSA separates from SERPENS

Two Beastials battle

URSA begins to lose


TREPID: Quite shaky down here, isn't it?

RANDALL: Its Jimmy. And my sister. They're fighting him...

TREPID: You have a sister? That's nice.

Cut to JIMMY

JIMMY: Aquila! Help her!

AQUILA joins battle with SERPENS

Cut to SALLY et al

LANA: Its the Giant Moles of Southampton! They're attacking at last!

ORVILLE: I doubt it... Come on, Jimmy... Come on, Gwen...

Cut to BEASTIAL battle. AQUILA and URSA are losing while DARK GWEN continues to struggle

JIMMY: It can't end! Not like this! Fight him, Gwen! Fight!

URSA and AQUILA are knocked down


Cut to RANDALL. His wand glows yellow and fires a yellow bolt down the tunnel.

Cut to SALLY, et al. She glows blue, and the aura fires a yellow bolt into the air.

Cut to chamber. URSA and AQUILA return to energy form and launch into the air.



LEO attacks SERPENS, eliminates him

After SERPENS is defeated, DARK GWEN separates into GWEN and DRAKE

GWEN knocked back hard


Similar to AQUILA SWORD format

(Tsu to Simon: While AQUILA SWORD is a thinner sword, LEO BLADE can be a broadsword)

DRAKE and JIMMY face off

DRAKE: You can never defeat me, Jimmy Porter. You don't have the power.

JIMMY: I don't need it.


DIARY destroys big

DRAKE is destroyed with the DIARY

BLACK ENERGY escapes the chamber from DIARY, same as QUIVVER in S1


JIMMY bends down beside GWEN

GWEN sits up and hugs him

GWEN: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt anyone!

JIMMY: I know. It's not your fault. You're safe now.

GWEN: Never again. I promise. I'll never...

JIMMY: It's fine. You fought him, Gwen. You're so powerful, but you have the strength to fight. You saw it.

GWEN: No, I didn't... You did. You saved me.

JIMMY: We all did it.


JIMMY: Me and you and Randall and Sally. Together.

GWEN: (touches sword) Together. The four of us... SALLY!


SALLY: I'm fine!

The BASILISK's victims are back to normal, standing around the hospital with JIMMY, GWEN, RANDALL, ORVILLE, LANA, PRESTO, and TREPID

PRESTO: You have done well. All of you. You have defeated another aspect of The Dark Lord Kadaver and have saved the magical world yet again.

JIMMY: But he wasn't defeated! A part of him escaped again!

PRESTO: Perhaps it has. Kadaver is still regaining his former power, and we shall surely have to face him again. But not now. Not tonight. Tonight we celebrate our victory!

TREPID: We're having a party? What are we celebrating?

HOOT: (on JIMMY's shoulder) Are you sure he had his memory wiped? He seems the same to me.

RANDALL: Actually, I'd call it an improvement.

Everyone laughs. End scene. Roll credits.

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