Thirteen Months Later: How To Survive When No One Wants You Dead

Aug 05, 2007 12:29

Title: Thirteen Months Later: How To Survive When No One Wants You Dead
Author: kanedax
Rating: PG-13 for minor language and sexual discussion
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows
Summary: Where do we go from here?

Characters/Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Dean, Luna
Notes: After writing After The Flaw and Our Little Wilkins, I decided it would be easier to ( Read more... )

potter, fanfic, aftertheflaw

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Comments 63

brightlily August 7 2007, 21:55:52 UTC
i loved the last line.


kanedax August 8 2007, 05:00:25 UTC
Thanks for reading!


vikingprincess August 8 2007, 22:36:17 UTC
Oh, I just adore your Luna! *squunches her*

And a Grand Tour for the kids who helped to save the world just sounds like FUN!


kanedax August 8 2007, 23:07:52 UTC
Yeah, right now Luna seems to be the consensus pick for best character ever. lol

World tour is coming. What I'm working on before World Tour is a little flashback to that "prefect's bathroom" incident that Ginny and Harry were staring at each other about. ;)


vikingprincess August 9 2007, 00:09:33 UTC
sweeeeeeeet. that's the one with the Mermish! YAY!


fritz42 August 9 2007, 11:29:53 UTC
*wipes away tears of laughter* OMG! Luna is a hoot! I am sitting here while my family is sleeping, trying hard not to wake them up with my laughter. You have captured Luna's quirky personality brilliantly!

I loved Harry's reflection about the last year. It was the only year that didn't end with him in peril in some form or another, isn't it? I can see why that would be disconcerting for him.

This is a great series, and I am thrilled whenever there is an update. Do you mind if I friend you?



kanedax August 9 2007, 13:04:46 UTC
Friend away, especially since some of my chapters won't be x-posted on all of the communities I've been working with. Scrubbing Bubbles, for example, was just posted on the HG comms and on hp_fiction. It's not Gen, and it's not RHr, so I had to keep it from there.

Thanks for reading!


harry_n_ginny August 9 2007, 20:45:33 UTC
I just caught up on this whole little series and I was wondering if I could friend you so I don't miss the next parts. Since I only found this due to the harry/ginny scrubbing bubbles being on the hg_daily list and who knows if the rest will be on there.

I can't wait for the trip to start!


kanedax August 9 2007, 21:01:02 UTC
Oh, yeah, definitely friend away. Heck, you got notification of this when others don't. I usually cross-post at four different potter sites, and since one's a genfic and the other's a RHr site I couldn't post there. They'll find out about it when I post Titan Arum (the next chapter, part of the World Tour) sometime next week.

Thanks for reading!


anonymous August 10 2007, 17:01:46 UTC
I enjoyed this soo much. There has to be more coming and soon. I say it's a bucket full of laughs and a bucket full fun. Great Job!!!!!!!!


kanedax August 10 2007, 17:06:26 UTC
Oh, there is SO much more coming. With the comedy and the drama and the romance and the oy.

Like I've mentioned: There's Nineteen Years to cover. Minimum. I'm on Thirteen Months.

Keep reading! I try to cross-post onto as many communities as I can, but specific chapters don't always fit, so you might be better off either keeping an eye on hp_fanfiction or just tossing me on your Friends list.


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