Thirteen Months Later: How To Survive When No One Wants You Dead

Aug 05, 2007 12:29

Title: Thirteen Months Later: How To Survive When No One Wants You Dead
Author: kanedax
Rating: PG-13 for minor language and sexual discussion
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows
Summary: Where do we go from here?

Characters/Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Dean, Luna
Notes: After writing After The Flaw and Our Little Wilkins, I decided it would be easier to ( Read more... )

potter, fanfic, aftertheflaw

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Comments 63

lijoka August 6 2007, 03:33:28 UTC
Oi! This was awesome! I enjoyed the interaction between Ron and Hermione. And Luna... hilarious. I'm looking forward to more fic from you :)


kanedax August 6 2007, 13:03:21 UTC
Yeah, you what? I always figured Ron and Hermione were at each other's throats from the moment they met on Hogwarts Express their first year. They love each other, get married, have kids, but you know their relationship's just filled with moments of embarrassing each other.


britclash August 6 2007, 06:03:55 UTC
“It’s all very interesting,” said Luna. “It’s quite fun to listen, although I am surprised that they think I give good advice. I’ve only been one date, with Harry, and the only sexual experience I’ve had are orgasms from my nightly masturbation sessions.”

LMAOOOOOOOO!!!!! *DIES* OMG I laughed for a minute straight at this. And I'm still giggling LULZ. Aw geez priceless that is.

The dialogue in this is very sharp, and I totally buy Harry's sense of disorientation after everything. Good job! And Luna, I loff you so much liek whoa. :D


kanedax August 6 2007, 13:01:46 UTC
As soon as I saw your icon I knew what you were wanting to say. ;)

Thanks a lot! There's more to come. Luna's going on the trip, after all.


bridgetmalfoy August 6 2007, 21:32:59 UTC
oh hehehe, i liked this very much indeed. there is going to be more right? i would really like to see where you're going with this. oh how i adore harry and ginny... *sigh*


kanedax August 6 2007, 21:43:59 UTC
Oh, there's definitely more coming. The world tour's going to be a chapter or two, plus I'm going to be hopping back and writing the Prefect's Bathroom scene ;) ;)

Keep your eyes peeled. If you're coming to this story from one of the H/G sites, I'll post the listing for that one there and at HP_fanfiction. Unfortunately, I don't think that one will fit into the R/Hr or genfic communities, so you'll just have to keep watching my blog. The chapters NOT involving bubble baths, however, will be posted everywhere. ;)


makeroftomorrow August 7 2007, 06:37:12 UTC
Okay...let me start out by saying that I have never laughed so hard in my life at Luna's comments. The saddest part is...I could -totally- see her doing that. ^^; That's just me.

I also laughed really hard at the end with Dean and Ron. That was perfectly timed and written. I applaud you, I really do. They were fantastically done.

Anyway, to comment on the fan fiction directly, I loved it. (I haven't read the others that you wrote, just this one.) Your characterization of everyone was done magnificently. I loved seeing how Ron, Dean, and Harry broke down at the thought of "Girl Talk." It really did make me laugh.

Overall, I loved the fan fiction. Keep writing.


kanedax August 7 2007, 13:04:38 UTC
I was actually debating going a little further with Luna's comments. You know, along the lines of "some of my best ones happened after I had a conversation with Ginny or Hermione." or "They actually asked me for advice a few times, and I told them the best way to give themselves orgasms."

But I figured in either case that might be going a little TOO far...

Thanks so much for reading! There's definitely more coming. I'm actually writing a "prequel" of sorts right now about Harry & Ginny in the prefect's bathroom, and then I'm going to move on to the world tour.


(The comment has been removed)

kanedax August 7 2007, 17:26:29 UTC
Yay, I got hearts and babbling typography!

Thank you very much for the reply! keep your eyes open, there's more to come!


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