James Rolfe: "Ghostbusters 2016. No Review. I refuse."

May 17, 2016 18:17

The real Ghostbusters 3 was the 2009 video game. See here, as James discusses why he's not seeing the new movie. https://t.co/IyVX2ury93
- Mike Matei (@Mike_Matei) May 17, 2016

And, for reference, here is the trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie:

image Click to view

Notice that James didn't once say, or even imply, words such as "feminism" or "SJWs" or whatever stupid bullshit it is that all the asinine MRAs talk about when they bash this movie. (All of that stupid bullshit is out in full force in the comments under James's video, though, and as such I'll recommend to not bother even venturing down there.) Those aren't real, valid reasons to not see this movie, as far as I'm concerned. What is a real, valid reason to not see this movie, as James says, is that this movie looks like it's going to be a huge, steaming, drizzly pile of shit, based on the trailer.

For me, it has nothing to do with the fact that it's an all female cast for the main Ghostbusters. I was and still am okay with that. Also, same as James, I'd have been even more okay with it if it had been a "passing of the torch" story, with the original Ghostbusters[1] there to... well... pass the torch. Even the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon managed to get at least that much right. Instead, this is just yet another shitty fucking reboot/remake, rather than an actual sequel, in a long-ass line of shitty fucking reboots/remakes that Hollywood has shat out, particularly over the past decade or so. Very rare is the reboot/remake that is at least as good as the original, and this movie does not look like it is going to be one of those.

In any case, same as with the Star Trek Beyond trailer, the trailer for this Ghostbusters movie has given me negative hype to want to go see this movie. As James also says, maybe it'll still be good, I don't know, but based on the trailer, I have no interest in it.

Also, as Mike mentions in the tweet I embedded above, and as I've mentioned many times before, myself, Ghostbusters: The Video Game pretty much already is the Ghostbusters 3 that we never got in movie form (and now never will).

(I think probably the real reason he put out this "non-review" is due to the fact that if he hadn't done so, he would have had just about everyone in his fanbase pestering him incessantly to watch it and review it, and he just wanted to try to head that off at the pass. Of course, he'll probably get just as much of that, if not even more now, after he has put this out.)

[1] - Minus Harold Ramis, of course, who is dead, and maybe minus Bill Murray, who would apparently rather be dead than to appear in another Ghostbusters movie (...except that he apparently has a cameo role in this new Ghostbusters movie, so go figure *shrug*). In any case, it makes absolutely no sense to me why Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson are going to be in this movie if they're not going to be reprising their original Ghostbusters roles. But then again, like I said, this is a shitty fucking reboot/remake anyway, so I guess it wouldn't make sense if they did reprise those roles, in that case... *weary sigh* ...goddamn, how I hate pointless, unnecessary movie franchise reboots.

ghostbusters, movies, games (2016), nutrek, nubusters, internet, cinemassacre, rant

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